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Fort Larned I found too near the camps for my purpose, its proximity too readily inviting unnecessary "talks," so I remained here but a day or two, and then went on to Dodge, which, though considerably farther away from the camps, was yet close enough to enable us to obtain easily information of all that was going on.

The old woman was sitting up in bed with her night-cap a-tilt over one ear. "Saints alive, Mary, what mischief bes afoot now?" asked Mother Nolan. Mary drew close to the bed-side and leaned over to her confederate. "The captain bes safe in the store, all rolled up in blankets," she whispered, "an' an' I larned something last night that means as how we kin get 'em both away before long, wid luck.

This too being a particularly dangerous route several couriers having been killed on it it was impossible to get one of the various "Petes," "Jacks," or "Jims" hanging around Hays City to take my communication. Cody learning of the strait I was in, manfully came to the rescue, and proposed to make the trip to Dodge, though he had just finished his long and perilous ride from Larned.

An' so Peter, an' so I be goin' away a sojer p'r'aps I shan't love the dear lass quite so much arter a bit p'r'aps it won't be quite so sharp-like, arter a bit, but what's to be is to be. I've larned wisdom, an' you an' she was made for each other an' meant for each other from the first; so don't go to clench ye fists again me no more, Peter." "Never again, George!" said I.

"Why, Miss Norah, that he who is so beatified as to secure you in the matrimonial paction compactum it is in the larned languages in other words to condescend to your capacity he who is married to you will be a happy man.

The Bibliography of the Literature of American History, with an appraisal of each book, which has appeared under his direction, is edited by Mr. Larned, and is a most efficient performance; it is to be kept up to date by Mr. P. P. Wells, librarian of the Yale Law School.

The frontier forts increased: Hays and Harker, Larned and Zarah, and Lyon and Dodge became outposts of power in the wilderness, whose half-forgotten sites to-day lie buried under broad pasture-lands and fields of waving grain.

"I tould you, Phadrick!! There's the boy that can rattle off the high English, and the larned Latin, jist as if he was born wid an English Dictionary in one cheek, a Latin Neksuggawn in the other, an Doctor Gallagher's Irish Sarmons nately on the top of his tongue between the two."

Beyond, there was Salina; and Ellsworth on the Smoky Hill River; and southward, to guard the Santa Fe Trail over which huge quantities of Government supplies for the Southwest were being hauled, there were Camp Zarah at Walnut Creek of the Arkansas River, Fort Larned up the Arkansas, and so forth. Many of the posts were only camps or cantonments, and received their fort name later.

Sam, now at his third glass, felt his heart warm to Will. He would have fought with tongue or fist on his behalf, and presently added to the mischief he had already done. "To shaw 'e, neighbours, just the man he is, I may tell 'e that a larned piece like Martin Grimbal ackshually comed all the way to Newtake not long since to ax advice of un. An' 'twas on the identical matter of this same Hicks.