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In the eighteenth chapter of the Doctrine of the Mean, telling how the duke of Kau, the legislator of the dynasty so called, had 'completed the virtuous course of Wan and Wu, carrying up the title of king to Wan's father and grandfather, and sacrificing to the dukes before them with the royal ceremonies, he adds, And this rule he extended to the feudal princes, the great officers, the other officers, and the common people.

"Good news, Gilly." He held aloft a scrap of Chinese paper, scrawled on with pencil. "We need expect nothing these ten days. They wait for more ammunition 'more shoots, the text has it. The Hak Kaú their Black Dog is a bronze cannon, nine feet long, cast at Rotterdam in 1607. He writes, 'I saw it in shed last night, but is gone to-day.

Those who suffered most from it had their whole bodies covered with a white eruption: their eyes were red and inflamed, they trembled much, and could scarcely hold up their heads. This beverage does not shorten the lives of all who use it too freely, as Teraiopu, Kau, and several other chiefs addicted to it, were old men; but it brings on premature and diseased old age.

The sacrifices of the Shang dynasty commenced with music; those of the Kau with libations of fragrant spirits; in both cases with the same object, to attract the spirit, or spirits, sacrificed to, and secure their presence at the service. Hence in sacrificing, the people of Yin began with a performance of music.

If, however, we meant to try for takuo, a huge variety of the mackerel-tribe, or lahe'u, a magnificent bream-shaped fish, we had no need to go so far as the dangerous Tia Kau; three or four cable-lengths from the beach, and right in front of the village, we could lie in water as smooth as glass, and seventy fathoms in depth.

He then comes to the establishment of the Kau dynasty, and under it of the marquisate of Lu; and finally to duke Hsi, dilating on his sacrificial services, the military power of Lu, and the achievements which be might be expected to accomplish in subjugating all the territory lying to the east and a long way South, of Lu.

Mi or Mi-hsue was a state in the present King-ning Kau, of Phing-liang department, Kan-su. Yuean was a state adjacent to Mi, the present King Kau, and Kung must have been a place or district in it. the Wei, The centre of all the states, The resort of the lower people.

Towards afternoon, clouds heaped themselves in brilliant snowy masses, all radiance and beauty to us, all fog and gloom below, girdling the whole mountain, and interposing their glittering screen between us and the dark timber belt, the black smoking shores of Kau, and the blue shimmer of the Pacific.

But Lopaka was thinking to himself, and presently, when Keawe’s grief was a little abated, “I have been thinking,” said Lopaka. “Had not your uncle lands in Hawaii, in the district of Kau?” “No,” said Keawe, “not in Kau; they are on the mountain-side—a little way south of Hookena.” “These lands will now be yours?” asked Lopaka.

In the town of Toa-liong-pong was the home of Koa Kau, one of Kai Bok-su's most devoted students. Here was a lovely chapel built at great expense. The crowd tore it to pieces from roof to foundation. They knew that the first was not true, but they firmly believed the latter statement, for they understood little of the power of the gospel.