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"Tired?" he asked, timidly. "Dead. It's terrible, papa. I don't know how I'll stay bucked up. I want to burst out crying every time a bell rings or any one speaks to me.... Oh, Jody, your fingers are all thumbs! Please try it again." "It looks nice," her father ventured, indicating the puff of gold hair. Beatrice did not answer; she sighed and had Johanna proceed.

By then they will all have forgotten what they gave me and I can furnish it so we won't have to go about wearing blinders.... The blue dress, Jody, that's right." "And what is it to-night?" her aunt asked, meekly. "The Farmsworth dinner; and to-morrow another luncheon and the garden party at the club. Then the dinner here, rehearsal; and Wednesday, thank heaven, it will be all ended!"

"You duck!" she added a trifle more enthusiastically, viewing the bowknot of gems in the form of a pin a design of diamonds four inches wide with a centre stone of pigeon's-blood ruby. "You couldn't have pleased me more" trying it against her dressing gown. "See, Jody, isn't this wonderful? I must kiss you."

Still, it would always be a splendid thing to remember. Certainly it was more edifying than to confront a nervous Gorgeous Girl who had discovered that her maid had been reading her personal notes. "I sprinkled talcum powder on them and the powder is all smudged away, so Jody has been spying. She is packing her things now and I shall refuse any references.

She rustled over to her father and brushed her lips across his cheek, rustling back again to tell Jody that she must try the neck coil again it was entirely too loose. "I guess Steve can't go any better than that," her father said, balancing himself on his toes and, in so doing, rumpling the rug.