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As for Mr Huntingdon, his mortification was extreme when there appeared in the next issue of the county paper a full description of the contest, from which it appeared that his favourite son had been beaten in a public trial of skill by Jim Jarrocks, well-known all over the county as the most reckless poacher and unblushing profligate anywhere about, and had thus given encouragement to a man who was constantly before the magistrates for all sorts of minor breaches of the law.

"Come forward, then, my man," said Walter; "and pray, may I ask your name?" "Oh," said the man addressed, with a laugh, "every one knows my name Jim Jarrocks they calls me." "Well, Jim, here's your sovereign, and you've fairly won it." "Thank'ee, sir," said Jim; "and so has Will Gittins here, if I'm not mistaken." "How do you mean?" asked Saunders; "the sovereign was offered to the best man."

I think, my boy, it is quite time that you kept clear of such things." "Indeed, father. I almost think so too; and, at any rate, you won't find me losing any more sovereigns to Jim Jarrocks. But I'm almost pledged to Saunders to ride in this steeplechase. It will be capital fun, and no harm, and perhaps I may never have another chance."

Nay, my dear old fellow" addressing Walter "I'll not hear of a refusal. You know how I let you in for that second sovereign at the match, when Jim Jarrocks won so cleverly. I didn't mean it, of course, but you must allow me the pleasure of making some little amends by having you and your sister as my guests to-day."

There was no mistaking him; it was Jim Jarrocks, the fellow who won my sovereign in that foolish match on Marley Heath. Jim evidently had rather we had not met, for he had a couple of hares slung over his shoulder, which he could not well hide.