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'It is impossible to let you have it to-day, answered Izouf, 'for it is already sold. 'If that is so, said the Cadi, 'you must return the three gold pieces which the young man paid. The Jew, delighted to get off so easily, put his hand in his pocket, when Neangir stopped him. 'No, no, he exclaimed, 'it is not money I want, but the adorable Argentine; without her everything is valueless.

Cruel enemy of my life, she continued turning to Izaf, 'tell these gentlemen your story and that of your brothers, and try to gain your pardon by repentance. 'We all three were born at the same time, said the Jew, obeying the command of Sumi at a sign from the Cadi, 'and are the sons of the famous Nathan Ben-Sadi, who gave us the names of Izif, Izouf, and Izaf.

Those must be the women who caused Izif and Izouf to dance, and took from them the two talismans of the daughters of Siroco. They only can break the spell that has been cast on us. Let them be found and I will gladly give them the half of my possessions. Idiot that I was to send them away!

The seals were produced, and, as Azemi had guessed, they were the talismans which the two Circassians had taken from Izif and Izouf, mounted in gold and silver. As quick as lightning the watches slid from the hands of Tezila and her sister, and Aurora and Argentine stood before them, each with her talisman on her finger.

The Jewess approached the wounded man and laid the two crutches near him; then, fixing her eyes on him, she burst into tears. 'Unhappy Izouf, she murmured, 'why do you suffer yourself to be led into such dangerous adventures?

I inquired, "and what has happened to you since we parted?" "Alas!" replied Izouf, "we were passing a wayside inn from which came sounds of songs and laughter, and fools that we were we entered and sat down. Circassian girls of great beauty were dancing for the amusement of several men, who not only received us politely, but placed us near the two loveliest maidens.

We agreed that Constantinople was no place for us any longer, and calling to Izouf to accompany us, we left the city together, but soon determined to travel separately, so that we might not be so easily recognised by the spies of Siroco. 'A few days later I found myself at the door of an old castle near the sea, before which a tall slave was pacing to and fro.

"Perhaps you are right," continued Izouf, "for the two ladies took our hands and danced with us till we were quite exhausted, and when at last we sat down a second time to table we drank more wine than was good for us.

Yesterday Izouf sold the silver watch to this young man, and in the evening placed the gold watch on the steps by order of Sumi, just before his customer entered the house; from which both watches came back early this morning. 'If I had only known! cried Neangir.