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The young officers were just simply waiting for mobilization. About war, everything is most uncertain. Half the people say it will be immediately, the other half that it will be avoided no one can tell anything. I am going to Adrianople Tuesday. Baroness Ixkull is there with a large division and I think that just now there will be more to do than ever. I go first to Sofia."

She was deeply upset by the tragic events of the lost war and the grumblings of the revolution. She got in touch with some friends in Russia to help make necessary arrangements. A friend of her mother's, Mr. Pletnioff, made all preliminary arrangements to have her accepted in the Kaufman community of sisters under the leadership of Baroness Ixkull, a very cultivated and capable person.

I can hardly believe that I have had this year that I have been in Russia and that it is done. Baroness Ixkull tried to keep me to send me to the famine but the famine will have to wait. I shall be so glad to get to Yalta. My head is so tired and I shall be able to clear up my thoughts I can hardly write. My head is popping off and my hand is cold and the train shakes. Always your old Nelka."

And after it was all arranged and I was simply reveling in every detail, Baroness Ixkull decided that it was simply impossible to take Tibi." St. Petersburg 1911. "One doesn't love anything any more, religion, country, art. The only thing is to have one's interest outside of oneself and to be very busy.

From that day on she meant something to me, and that something grew and grew in my feelings for her with time and years. The Russian Red Cross had a number of sister "Communities" who were managed by ladies of the Russian society. The one Nelka joined was the Kaufman community under the able management of Baroness Ixkull. Nelka wrote from St.

Petersburg in 1905: "Baroness Ixkull seems an awfully clever, energetic and altogether charming person. I think although the Bakhmeteffs highly approve, they are afraid she is just on the edge of being a little 'advanced, which to such arch conservatives as they, seems all wrong. The extremes are very great.

The Little Russian dialect is very different from Russian but one can get a long. The Red Cross will probably be stationed here throughout the famine until the 'New Bread, that is about the end of July but Baroness Ixkull promised to replace me as soon as she could get another sister. I hope to get back to America in July." Kalakshinovka 1912.

No peace except in utter renounciation. And must one struggle through a peppery sequence of years just to know this?" "Baroness Ixkull is going to give me perfectly new sisters to train and I am going to make them march like pokers, copy every record each time they make a spot and count all the linen every two weeks.