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Only lately councillor Kubrikov, a man of sixty-two, with the Stanislav Order on his breast, came forward uninvited and confessed in a voice full of feeling that he had beyond a shadow of doubt been for fully three months under the influence of the Internationale.

During the second phase the Internationale had its "sections" in nearly every large city of the country, centering in New York and Chicago, and the practical trade union part of its work receded before its activity on behalf of the propaganda of socialism.

Many of them, under the Czarist regime, had considered themselves partisans of the left wing of the Internationale, and subscribed to the Zimmerwald resolution. But everything changed suddenly when they found themselves in responsible "posts." To adhere to the policy of Revolutionary Socialism meant, under those circumstances, to break with the bourgeoisie, their own and that of the Allies.

The bed creaked as Al stirred uneasily in it. "No, warn't anythin'; Ah'd thought Ah'd heard people singin'." "The Internationale," cried Al. "Shut up," said Chrisfield in a low gruff voice. Through the silence of the room they heard steps on the stairs. "All right, it's only Smiddy," said Slippery, and he threw the dice down on the tiles again.

This last is a new feature and is known as a commission internationale d'enquete. The project for a plan of arbitration submits a number of minor matters to compulsory arbitration, but the main mass of differences to voluntary arbitration.

The training school for this opportunistic trade unionism was the socialist movement during the sixties and seventies, particularly the American branch of the International Workingmen's Association, the "First Internationale," which was founded by Karl Marx in London in 1864.

When the principal resolution of endorsement was passed, approving the formation of the Council of Action, the delegates rose to their feet, cheered the move to the echo, and sang the "Internationale" and "The Red Flag."

The Council of Action also called a special conference of the British Labor Movement which met in London on August 13. There were over a thousand delegates at this conference, which opened and closed with the singing of the "Internationale."

To my thinking, if you will have it, the only one is Pyotr Verhovensky, and it's simply good-nature on his part to consider himself only an agent of the society. But the fundamental idea is no stupider than others of the sort. They are connected with the Internationale.

A good analysis of Arab affairs on the eve of the Great War is that of the Moslem publicist "X," "Les Courants politiques dans le Monde arabe," Revue du Monde musulman, December, 1913. The Asiatic Review, April, 1914. "L'Égypte et les Débuts du Protectorat," Revue des Sciences Politiques, 15 June, 1915. Mohammed Farid Bey, "L'Égypte et la Guerre," Revue Politique Internationale, May, 1915.