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And, the next moment, Cicely heard the click of her typewriter. It was more than three weeks later that Cicely sat alone, one afternoon, reading lazily before the fire, when the maid brought her a card. "It's for Mrs. Farrington," she said. "Let me see." Cicely took it and glanced at the name, Mr. William Smith. Down in the corner was the legend "Boston Intermountain."

Their stage line had stations every ten or twelve miles as far as Salt Lake; beyond that point there was not a single building; but within two months from the day when Russel had that talk with Senator Gwinn, the firm had completed the chain of those stations clear to Sacramento, purchased five hundred half-breed mustang ponies which they apportioned along the route, hired eighty riders and what stock-tenders were necessary, and hauled feed and provisions out across the intermountain deserts.

As letters of the time are read and instructions found, it becomes the more evident that President Brigham Young and his counselors had in view a great plan of occupation of the intermountain valleys, reaching down into Mexico, or beyond. It was a time when the Church was growing very rapidly and when new lands were needed for converts who were streaming in from Europe or from the eastern States.

It is one of the many remarkable evidences of the strength of the Mormon religious spirit that only 45 adults of the Brooklyn party, with their children, remained in California, even after the discovery of gold. The others made their way across the Sierra Nevadas and the deserts, to join their people in the intermountain valley. A few were cut off from the Church.

Louis platform of June, 1896, and the intermountain states would probably refuse their electoral votes to the Republican party because of the repudiation.

It was a glorious night of the intermountain autumn; the stars burned large and yellow overhead. In their faint radiance the white tops of more than one hundred prairie-schooners gleamed at the base of the hillside which rose into the west. Here and there one of the canvas covers glowed incandescent from a candlelight within, where some mother was tucking her children into their beds.

Possibly there might have been established in the California valleys even richer Mormon settlements than those that now dot the map of the intermountain region.

And when the national government granted its patent of approval to the hierarchy by holding the hierarchy's appointed representative in the Senate as its prophetic monitor nearly all the people of the intermountain country lost heart in the fight.

I pointed out that the Republican platform of 1892 had reproached Grover Cleveland for his antagonism to bimetallism "a doctrine favored by the American people from tradition and interest," to quote the language of that platform and the Republicans of the intermountain states still held true to the doctrine. It had been repudiated by the St.

He filled the Mormon priests with the belief that they might proceed unrestrainedly to the sacrifice of women and children upon the polygamous altar, to the absolute rule of politics in the intermountain states, and to the commercial exploitation of their community in partnership with the trusts.