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The truth is that I stand possessed of what was meant for another man." "He may be dead," said Vendale. "He may be alive," said Wilding. "And if he is alive, have I not innocently, I grant you innocently robbed him of enough? Have I not robbed him of all the happy time that I enjoyed in his stead?

"And Mary," continued she, dropping her voice to a whisper, "it was Captain Standish who gave that last mighty shove" "Nay, it was John Alden," interrupted Mary innocently. "I tell thee, girl, it was the captain. John Alden is ever at his elbow and striving to imitate him, but our captain is still the leader, and I do honour a man who can think as well as do, and act as well as talk.

A hornet flies in and settles on my hand, then a large beetle comes with a buzz and a thud against me, making me start. Sundry moths, small flies, and beetles, are playing innocently round the flame. JULY 14th. To Shadera, twelve miles walked all the way.

Let us all join in doing the acts necessary to restore the proper practical relations between these States and the Union, and each forever after innocently indulge his own opinion whether in doing the acts he brought the States from without into the Union, or only gave them proper assistance, they never having been out of it."

Only think, dear Miss Carew, of the infinite patieuce with which you must tend a child, of the necessity of seeing with its little eyes and with your own wise ones at the same time, of bearing without reproach the stabs it innocently inflicts, of forgiving its hundred little selfishnesses, of living in continual fear of wounding its exquisite sensitiveness, or rousing its bitter resentment of injustice and caprice.

Egerton Villard is really distingue; he has a beautiful head; and if he could be induced but to let Hedrick follow him about but a little " "I'll beat his beautiful head off for him if he but butts in on me but a little!" Hedrick promised earnestly. "Idiot!" Cora turned toward him innocently. "What did you say, Hedrick?" "I said `Idiot'!" "You mean Egerton Villard?" "Both of you!"

I shall take her straight home, as if I was not ashamed of her, and we will have a dance, and make a clean sweep of our own cake." "Nancy!" cries Tou Tou, innocently, joining in the conversation for the first time, "did any one take him for your grandfather, as the Brat said they would?"

The mischievous child stopped for a second, and then continued: "I am afraid you look at yourself and your various charms through rose-coloured spectacles, certainly not with 'a jaundiced eye; but I beg your pardon; were you about to speak?" and Winnie looked innocently into the fair face of her antagonist, which was now white and set with passion.

There was nowhere a trace of rum, and the only glass in the room was innocently filled with the china roses that flowered so profusely in the garden at Baker's Farm. But Mrs.

"I say this because that man whom chance had thrown in Flora's way was both: lawless and proud. Whether he knew anything about it or not it does not matter. Very likely not. One may fling a glove in the face of nature and in the face of one's own moral endurance quite innocently, with a simplicity which wears the aspect of perfectly Satanic conceit. However, as I have said it does not matter.