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Radley himself was one of the singers at Christchurch. London to Warham. Dr. London to Warham: Rolls House MS. On the site of the present Worcester College. It lay beyond the walls of the town, and was then some distance from it across the field. Christchurch, where Dalaber occasionally sung in the quire. Vide infra. Some part of which let us read with him.

In ea veneratur detestandum cadauer Machon siue Machometi honorabiliter et reuerenter in Templo eius, quod ibi vocatur Musket, de cuius vita aliquid infra narrabo. Per praedicta itaque apparet, quod Imperator Sarracenorum Soldanus Babyloniae, valde potens est Dominus. De couductu Soldani, et via vsque in Sinay. Prius dictum est de reuerentia Soldani, quando ad ipsum intratur exhibenda.

Hoc crudelissima anus spurgit subinde umore femina mea. Nasturcii sucum cum abrotano miscet perfusisque inguinibus meis viridis urticae fascem comprehendit, omniaque infra umbilicum coepit lenta mann caedere. Upon which jumping from her, to avoid the sting, I made off.

It would be INFRA DIG. in the provost of this most flourishing and loyal town to associate with Redgauntlet; and for me it would be NOSCITUR A SOCIO. There would be post to London, with the tidings that two such Jacobites as Redgauntlet and I had met on a braeside the Habeas Corpus would be suspended Fame would sound a charge from Carlisle to the Land's End and who knows but the very wind of the rumour might blow my estate from between my fingers, and my body over Errickstane-brae again?

Jack, on the other hand, dared not say a word to Jolliffe on the subject; indeed there was no one in the ship to whom he could confide but Gascoigne: he therefore went to him, and although Gascoigne thought it was excessively 'infra dig' of Jack to meet even the boatswain, as the challenge had been given there was no retracting: he therefore consented, like all midshipmen, anticipating fun, and quite thoughtless of the consequences.

There was a large assemblage of ladies and gentlemen promenading, and, as I rode with my friend, I had some very furtive glances from the crowd, which were intended, no doubt, to remind me that my keeping such company was infra dig., if not open to suspicion.

Don Juan de Ovalle. Dona Guiomar de Ulloa was now in her native place, Ciudad Toro. The Mass was said by Gaspar Daza. See infra, section 18; Reforma, i. c. xlvi. section 3.

Converte te sufra, converte te infra, life, especially for the clergy, is a battle, and perhaps in the long run, these storms are better for man than a dead calm, which would send him to sleep.... I can hardly bring myself to fancy that within a twelvemonth you will be a priest, you who were my schoolfellow and friend as a boy.

The idea of coming before the world in this new character had long been in his mind. I think it would take immensely. What do you say?" Forster said then, and said consistently throughout, that he held the thing to be "infra dig.," and unworthy of Dickens' position; and in this I think one may venture to assert that Forster was wrong.

Did he quite understand that Mr. Forsyte wished a dozen bottles of the champagne from Whiteley's to be put out? She hated having to say this sort of thing to a butler, it was so infra dig.; but what could you do with father?