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He tried to recall West Ketchem on the map of New Jersey in his school geography. But evidently West Ketchem had scorned the geography. Or else the geography had scorned West Ketchem. Undecided what to do, Pee-wee lingered a few moments among the mass of charred timbers, and desks ruined and laid, low, and broken blackboards, all in an indiscriminate heap.

"It may seem difficult," says Richard Sharp, "to steer always between bluntness and plain-dealing, between giving merited praise and lavishing indiscriminate flattery; but it is very easy good-humour, kindheartedness, and perfect simplicity, being all that are requisite to do what is right in the right way."

By such means it may appear who those are, that, by an indiscriminate support of all Administrations, have totally banished all integrity and confidence out of public proceedings; have confounded the best men with the worst; and weakened and dissolved, instead of strengthening and compacting, the general frame of Government.

Champagne held in solution the rhythm of old Vienna waltzes, of ball rooms with formal greenery, floating with passions as light as the tarleton skirts floating about dancing feet. But it wasn't, he insisted, a wine for indiscriminate youth youth that couldn't distinguish between the sweet and the dry. It was for men like himself, with memories, unrealized dreams.

A worm, however, will turn, and the atrocities which were perpetrated against these unoffending creatures may well palliate the indiscriminate, though heart-rending slaughter they entailed. Visited by me in 1842, that is, after the interval of seven years, they mustered only fifty-four individuals." STRZELECKI'S NEW SOUTH WALES, p. 352

It is true that in India and other tropical countries, the number and ferocity of the wild beasts not only justify but command a war of extermination against them, but the indiscriminate slaughter of many quadrupeds which are favorite objects of the chase can urge no such apology.

He had not thought it necessary, however, to perfect himself in the language of either country beyond a few of what he considered the more important phrases. His stock consisted chiefly of How do you do? Very well, thank you Will you sit down? You are very pretty which pithy sentences he used to rattle out with great volubility, fortunately not making an indiscriminate use of them.

"Not since I really came to know you," he answered in the same tone. "You have never given me cause." "Well I don't like it." "Few of us do. You prefer indiscriminate admiration?" The flush deepened, but she looked up. "I prefer your approval to your disapproval," she said, still moving her hand over the notes.

The sack of Magdeburg, the wasting of the Palatinate, and, perhaps, the storming of Drogheda will match whatever was done by the Indian allies of Frontenac. These were unspeakable, but the savage was little worse than his European contemporary. Those killed were in almost all cases killed outright, and the slaughter was not indiscriminate.

While I would encourage every young woman to look forward to married life as a matter of duty, I am very far from desiring to encourage that indiscriminate conversation, which, among young women, is rather common. Let it be discussed by the young, chiefly in the company of their parents.