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Their marriage was regarded with a superstitious terror as a kind of incest. Luther, on the other hand, regarded marriage as the natural and healthy state in which clergy as well as laity were intended to live. Immorality was hateful to him as a degradation of a sacrament impious, loathsome, and dishonoured. Marriage was the condition in which humanity was at once purest, best, and happiest.

There was one vice in particular, a vice which they seem to have adopted from the Asiatic nations of the Persian empire, that resulted in the most awful consequences. This vice was incest. The law of God, proclaimed not only in the Scriptures, but in the native instincts of the human soul, forbids intermarriages among those connected by close ties of consanguinity.

The dismemberment, with final loss of the phallus, will be clearly recognized as a castration. The tearing out of the eye is similarly to be regarded as emasculation. This motive is found as self-punishment for incest, at the close of the Œdipus drama. Only in this manner could the phallus from which the new age originated, escape from Typhon.

Mary has here added detail and contrast to the description in F of F A, in which the passage "save a few black patches ... on the plain ground" does not appear. The addition of "I am alone ... withered me" motivates Mathilda's state of mind and her resolve to write her history. Mathilda too is the unwitting victim in a story of incest.

From the gesture he found himself returning to a self which, regrettably, could not be discarded entirely. How strange, he thought, to be washed up on new shores. He thought this as if there were something so new in it, and as if sodomy, and in his case fraternal incest at that, were totally unknown to him.

A man may not marry his mother, his stepmother, or a sister of either. He may not marry his daughter, stepdaughter, or adopted daughter. He may not marry his sister, or his brother's widow, or a first cousin by blood or adoption. Sexual intercourse between persons in the above relations is considered incest, and does not often occur.

"Convicted of incest." "O my God!" "Convicted of having strangled his wife to marry another, whose husband he had first stabbed." "Heaven help us!" All crossed themselves. "Yes, good people," continued the furious provost, "this is the nice boy who has just escaped the king's justice!" The host's daughter left the room, for she felt she was going to faint.

It is related that, at the time of the Concordat, Napoleon remarked to Senator Volney, "France wants a religion." The more serious charges included incest with his sister Pauline and his stepdaughter Hortense, and the poisoning of his plague-stricken soldiers at Jaffa. His palaces were said to be harems, and his libertinism to put Oriental potentates to the blush.

XXXIII, A: Dragonfight = wrestling match = winning of the offered king’s daughter = rape of the women = rape of fire = deluge. XL, A: Incest motive = Potiphar motive. XLV, A: Sodomy = substitution = rape = parthenogenesis = marriage of mortal with the immortal = seduction = adultery = incest = love = embraces of the first parents = wrestling match.

Yet Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back as she fled from the doomed city, and the old man himself soon after got drunk and committed incest with his daughters. From this crime sprang Moab and Ammon, the founders of two nations who became for many centuries the most implacable enemies of God's chosen people. Why did the Lord spare these four persons?