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An urge towards unity, like a spiritual springtime, struggles to express itself through countless international congresses that bring together people from a vast array of disciplines. It motivates appeals for international projects involving children and youth.

He failed to mention that he brought the Blisses to Centre meetings, where he infused their beaks with a "special force" and where he sold them at a handsome profit. I could have written the story of "Rama and the Token Underdog." "A large part of what motivates me," Rama once confided, "is my concern for the underdog."

Apparently Language hadn't been the only thing the Lords taught him; he was reading her expression easily. "Who can say what motivates a god? We can only hope that their intervention now, through you, will save some of us." "Yeah." Tarlac sipped again at his chovas. "Look, will you explain something for me?" "If I can. What is it?" "What in " Tarlac hesitated, modified what he was going to say.

Balt Haer had been looking back and forth between his father and the newcomer and becoming obviously more puzzled. He put in, "Well, what in Zen motivates you if it isn't the stock we offer?" Joe glanced at the younger Haer to acknowledge the question but he spoke to the Baron. "Sir, like you said, you're no fool. However, you've been sucked in, this time.

This makes interesting reading for children, but Brentano did not lose sight of adults, including those who like to speculate as to the origin of the legend. Just as Frau Lureley closes the first Märchen, so does she begin the second: "Von dem Hause Staarenberg und den Ahnen des Müllers Radlauf." Here she creates, or motivates, the other characters.

Mary has here added detail and contrast to the description in F of F A, in which the passage "save a few black patches ... on the plain ground" does not appear. The addition of "I am alone ... withered me" motivates Mathilda's state of mind and her resolve to write her history. Mathilda too is the unwitting victim in a story of incest.