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'Two forms are there of that Brahman, one material, the other immaterial. These two forms, perishable and imperishable, are within all things: the imperishable one is the highest Brahman, the perishable one this whole world. Pu.

Under these interesting sub-families are grouped the varieties of a species of agama that has won for itself an imperishable reputation having furnished imaginative minds with matter for the most extravagant speculations and yielded to the political writer abundant sarcastic images.

Sympathy with one of the many imperishable bonds of union between the two great and scarcely divided peoples. We return to Barneveld in his solitary prison.

Though we know that the bodily dissolution can have no effect upon the imperishable essence of an immortal being, yet we shrink back from it, as if the sentence, "Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return," had been spoken of the spirit, as if the worm were to "feed sweetly" upon the soul, and it were to be buried up in the dark house of the grave.

Two abysmal beasts sprang at each other's throats that day beneath the shadow of earth's oldest cliffs the man of now and the man-thing of the earliest, forgotten then, imbued by the same deathless passion that has come down unchanged through all the epochs, periods and eras of time from the beginning, and which shall continue to the incalculable end woman, the imperishable Alpha and Omega of life.

Led to enter society by one of the imperishable sentiments in the heart of a woman, however superior she may be, the worship she inspired found her cold and unresponsive.

Accordingly Lycurgus appears already in his maturity. We know what he was only from what he did. He has this imperishable honor, that he did something, and did it in such a manner and with such effect that the memory of him and his deeds has lasted until this late time, and bids fair to last throughout all time. The following traditions concerning Lycurgus are commonly repeated.

All that the head could give, he had the heart denied him all: in life he had given it to no one, and his death had touched no heart; and no tear embalmed his bier, no flower planted by affection's hand blooms about his grave. Still he has left an imperishable monument to his fame in his judicial career.

Concerning the episode of this discreetly-veiled personage the historians who have handed down the story of the imperishable affection of Hien and Fa Fei have maintained an illogical silence.

Is the writer of this epistle the man, who twenty years before, even coveted annihilation! Is this the man, who so long preferred, to all things else, the "Circean chalice!" Is this he, who at one time, learned to his unutterable dismay, what a sin was, "against an imperishable being, such as is the soul of man."