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Thorne carelessly asked if there had been any rows lately, if he had heard of any one being hurt, if they had been quiet recently along the canal; and being assured that there had been no disturbance of moment, "only a little brush between Arch and Long Tobe, down to Gibe's," he handed the money back to Hullfish. "Keep that yourself, it is yours by rights.

As soon as Hullfish saw him, he came forward with something like a sigh of relief, and said, "Ah, Doc, you here? 'Tar'n't a hoax, then, though I was mightily 'feared it was. Them students is the Devil for chivying of a feller, beggin' your pardon, Mr. Blount. Have you got him yonder, Doctor?" said he, his keen eye noticing Mac and Clarian in the back room. "What do you mean, Hullfish?

While we were occupied in the front room, there came a stout double knock at the door, and when I opened it, Hullfish, the weather-beaten old constable of the borough, made his hesitating appearance. The Doctor gave me a quick glance, as if to say, "I told you so," and then returned the old man's bluff salutation.

"'Tother' is dangerously ill, has a fit, Hullfish. He is the author of that note, very probably was out of his mind when he wrote it." "So? Pity! Very sick? Mayn't I see him?" But, as he stepped forward, Thorne stood in the way and effectually intercepted his view. The constable smiled cunningly, as he drew back, and said, "You're sure 'ta'n't nothing else, then?

There's not a few of them would like to cook your goose for you, I needn't tell you why; so, if you don't want them to get the flashest kind of a pull over you, why, you'll take my advice and keep dark." "Nothing like slang, Ned, with the police or the prigging gentry. It gives them a wonderful respect for your opinion," said the Doctor, when Hullfish was gone.

Hullfish. to privately arrest a person guilty of a capital offence, until now concealed. If he was not brought to Hullfish's house between nine and ten that night, then Hullfish was to proceed to No. North College, where he would be certain to find the party. The arrest must be made quietly. The handwriting was undoubtedly Clarian's, and I told Thorne as much.

"You see, gentlemen," said Hullfish, "I wouldn't 'a' taken no notice of it, ef it hadn't been for the money; but, thinks I, them students a'n't in the habit of sech costly jokes, and maybe there'll be some pinching to do, after all. So you mean to say it's a gam, do you, Doctor? May I be so bold as to inquire what yonder chap's holding on to 'tother about?"