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These rays of higher vibratory power are like the rays of light or heat, although of a much higher rate of intensity and vibratory motion, and though the most delicate scientific instruments are able to register some of these, it is still practically admitted by science that the highest of these radio-active vibrations are beyond the scope and field of even the most sensitive instrument yet known to science.

Now for criticism! and first of all for the theoretic attempts. It is not going too far when we say that the ideal had, at that time, escaped out of the world into religion; it scarcely even made its appearance in moral philosophy; of a highest principle of art no one had a notion.

Above, in the glory of Heaven, the Virgin kneels before the throne of the Creator; she is clad in regal attire of purple and crimson and gold; and she bends her fair crowned head, and folds her hands upon her bosom with an expression of meek yet dignified resignation "Behold the handmaid of the Lord!" accepting, as woman, that highest glory, as mother, that extremest grief, to which the Divine will, as spoken by the prophets of old, had called her.

The Senate, transformed for the occasion into an extraordinary judicial tribunal, the highest known to our laws, the Senators at once judges and jurors with power to enforce testimony and sworn to hear all the facts bearing upon the case, was about to pronounce that judgment. The organization of the court had been severely Democratic.

Those who have reached the pinnacle were once even as You who read these lines. And some of you yes, perhaps even You who are now reading these words may have taken the first steps along the narrow path which will lead you to heights equally as exalted as those occupied by even the highest of these great beings of whom we are speaking.

Technique should be acquired before an aspirant to success steps on a public stage or platform, and this is exactly what is so seldom done in these days, and why we have so few singers, actors, and public speakers of the highest rank.

No move was made toward procuring the morning meal, which most folks in his situation would have found indispensable. The trail was clearly marked, but before resuming his pursuit Deerfoot climbed to the highest elevation near at hand and spent a few minutes in studying the surrounding country.

As the old gentleman inhabited the highest story of the palace, where he might have practised pistol-shooting without much chance of discovery by the other inmates, his younger niece had taken courage to propose the restoration to him of his clarionet, which Mr Dorrit had ordered to be confiscated, but which she had ventured to preserve.

Harcourt, please don't talk about a 'possible way out of your doubts and weaknesses at some distant day. You paid me the highest compliment in your power, when you refrained from wine at supper to-night. I am going to ask a personal favor. Won't you let it alone altogether? Mr.

Love for the heart, strength for the character, seemed to him the highest gifts with which he could endow his pupils for life.