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When one thinks of the mighty British Hempire," says 'e, "on which the sun never sets from mornin' till night, one 'as ter be proud of 'isself, an' one 'as ter do one's duty in thet walk of life in which it 'as pleased Providence ter set one an' every man's fust duty is ter get as many children as 'e bloomin' well can." Lord love yer 'e could talk, I can tell yer. 'Drink up, mother, said Liza.

If Bella Blackall goes on a singing at the Hempire, you mark my words, she'll sing herself into 'eaven." A week went by slowly: the hours crept like snails, and yet the days were surely slipping away, bringing nearer and nearer the one which was to give Sir John Chetwynd his second wife.

One has been amazed by his magnificent make-believe as he has told one about dim forgotten peoples that have disappeared under the ground. One has detested him, on the other hand, as the evangelist with the umbrella the little Anglo-Indian Prussian who sing hymns of hate and Hempire. Luckily, this last Kipling is allowed an entirely free voice only in verse.

"I was heverywhere introjuiced in the county as the great Railroad Cappitlist, who was to make Diddlesex the most prawsperous districk of the hempire. The squires prest forrards to welcome the new comer amongst 'em; and we had a Hagricultural Meating of the Bareacres tenantry, where I made a speech droring tears from heavery i.

The scorching contempt in the pale, ugly little eyes of W. Keyse! She wilted to her tallest feather, and the tears came crowding, stinging the back of her throat, compelling a miserable sniff. Yet Emigration Jane was not destitute of spirit. "I ... I took 'im to please meself ... not you, nor the Hempire neither." "Reckon you was precious 'ard up for a chap. Good-afternoon, Miss."