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He and some of the others started to do so, but soon came to a place where walking became uncertain and dangerous. Song bird went into one hole up to his waist and poor Hans disappeared entirely. "Hellup! hellup!" roared the German boy. "Bull me owid, somepody!" Aleck was close at hand, and reaching down into the hole he got hold of Hans' hand.

The women went on their way. The next person to whom she applied was a young girl of about eighteen, very prettily dressed. "Say, say, den, blease hellup a boor womun." In evident embarrassment, the young girl paused and searched in her little pocketbook. "I think I have I think I have just ten cents here somewhere," she murmured again and again.

She tried to remember how tramps who had appeared at her back door on Los Muertos had addressed her; how and with what formula certain mendicants of Bonneville had appealed to her. Then, having settled upon a phrase, she approached a whiskered gentleman with a large stomach, walking briskly in the direction of the town. "Say, den, blease hellup a boor womun." The gentleman passed on.

"Hellup! why don't you gif me a handt?" he was shouting as he clawed at the unyielding face of the rock, while vainly endeavoring to keep his head higher than his flying heels.

"Here, you, Sir Schoolmaster, the Patron ask for you. I give you my hand to hellup you up! I like to put a knife in you!" he added in Spanish, with an adorable smile. "You'd get one into yourself before you had time!" said Rento, getting up from the spot where his length had been coiled, and speaking with a slow drawl that lent emphasis to the words.

The mother caught her little girl to her, sinking down upon her knees, putting her arms around her, holding her close. "No, no, gry all so mudge es you want. Say dot you are hongry. Say ut egen, say ut all de dime, ofer end ofer egen. Say ut, poor, starfing, leedle babby. Oh, mein poor, leedle tochter. My Gott, oh, I go crazy bretty soon, I guess. I cen't hellup you.

I noticed the perfection of his dress; evidently he had not as yet loosed as much as a shoestring. And then I observed also that the visitor so close before him was without his shoes. "Good-evening or, good-morning, perchance," said Fontenette. "I suepose thaz a great thing to remove those old stain' that chloroform, eh?" "Ach! it iss you? Ach, you must coom coom undt hellup me!