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As this Helix has a thick calcareous operculum I removed it, and when it had formed a new membranous one, I again immersed it for fourteen days in sea-water, and again it recovered and crawled away. Baron Aucapitaine has since tried similar experiments. He placed 100 land-shells, belonging to ten species, in a box pierced with holes, and immersed it for a fortnight in the sea.

"We know all that, but why we should have a Helix in our ears is as unknown to the book as to the dealer in snails " "I'm not a dealer in snails," bellowed the voice behind the curtain. "What are you, then?" Victor bellowed back. "I'm ... a troll!"

The magnet being left in the helix, the galvanometer needle came to rest, thus showing the absence of current. When the bar magnet was suddenly withdrawn from the helix, the galvanometer needle was again deflected, but now in the opposite direction, showing that the direction of the current in the helix had been reversed.

After all this had been fully explained to them, with a long talk and discussion between every sentence, I could see that I had made a favourable impression; and that very afternoon, as if to test my promise to buy even miserable little snail-shells, a dozen children came one after another, bringing me a few specimens each of a small Helix, for which they duly received "coppers," and went away amazed but rejoicing.

Any one would think that dead shells were gifted with the power of walking about, for certainly it is an inexplicable wonder how they got there." Of Helix muralis we are informed that "The Romans eat these snails, not the whole of them, but only their feet. In ancient times the most wealthy people used to eat snails, and perhaps they ate the very ones which the poorest people eat nowadays.

A thousand times he had seen the sign, hammered into the blasted rocks the helix, that mystic symbol of the ancients, a circle, ever widening, never ending, and wondered at the fate of the vanished people who had prayed to the Sun for rain. The fragments of their sacrificial ollas lay strewn among the bowlders, but the worshippers were dead; and now a stranger prayed to his own God for rain.

In this I instal a few Glow-worms and a provision of snails of a suitable size, neither too large nor too small, chiefly Helix variabilis. We must be patient and wait. Above all, we must keep an assiduous watch, for the desired events come unexpectedly and do not last long. Here we are at last.

"Which have flown, and which will fly," said Robur, without being in the least disconcerted, "and which we can call streophores, helicopters, orthopters or, in imitation of the word 'nef, which comes from 'navis, call them from 'avis, 'efs, by means of which man will become the master of space. The helix " "Ah, the helix!" replied Phil Evans. "But the bird has no helix; that we know!"

A single delicate touch on the concave surface of the tip soon caused one to curve; and in 2 minutes it formed an open helix. These trials were made under a bell-glass, so that the loops of thread and wire were not agitated by the wind.

That is quite long enough; and so do not compel me to make you any longer by beginning at your ears and " "Throw him out." "Into the street with him!" "Lynch him!" "Helix him!" The rage of the balloonists burst forth at last. They rushed at the platform. Robur disappeared amid a sheaf of hands that were thrown about as if caught in a storm.