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"I asked Foxy if he had ever tasted the beer there. That was enough for Foxy, and it cheered him up a little. He and Heffy were sniffin' round our old hut so long I thought they'd like a change." "Well, it can't last forever," said Stalky. "Heffy's bankin' up like a thunder-cloud, an' King goes rubbin' his beastly hands, an' grinnin' like a hyena. It's shockin' demoralizin' for King.

His rebus infectis after I'd seen Heffy's man-tracks marchin' round our hut, I found little Hartopp destricto ense wavin' a butterfly-net. I conciliated Hartopp. 'Told him that you'd read papers to the Bug-hunters if he'd let you join, Beetle. 'Told him you liked butterflies, Turkey. Anyhow, I soothed the Hartoffles, and we're Bug-hunters now." "What's the good of that?" said Beetle.

They were stowing away books for a quiet afternoon in the furze, which they called the "wuzzy." "All up," said Stalky, serenely. "I spotted Heffy's fairy feet round our hut after dinner. 'Blessing they're so big." "Con-found! Did you hide our pipes?" said Beetle. "Oh, no. Left 'em in the middle of the hut, of course. What a blind ass you are, Beetle! D'you think nobody thinks but yourself?

Heffy's in it, too. Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me! Come on!" "Aves?" said Beetle. "Of course, but I'm not smokin' aujourd'hui. Parceque je jolly well pense that we'll be suivi. We'll go along the cliffs, slow, an' give Foxy lots of time to parallel us up above." They strolled towards the swimming-baths, and presently overtook King. "Oh, don't let me interrupt you," he said.

I'll lend money at usury that's what they do at all schools accordin' to the B.O.P. Penny a week on a shillin'. That'll startle Heffy's weak intellect. You can be Lucifer, Turkey." "What have I got to do?" McTurk also smiled. "Head conspiracies and cabals and boycotts. Go in for that 'stealthy intrigue' that Heffy is always talkin' about. Come on!"

Hullo, Orrin, you look rather metagrobolized." "It was all your fault, you beast! You started it. We've got two hundred lines apiece, and Heffy's lookin' for you. Just see what that swine Malpas did to my eye!" "I like your saying we started it. Who called us cribbers? Can't your infant mind connect cause and effect yet? Some day you'll find out that it don't pay to jest with Number Five."