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When the bell rang at a quarter to eleven, he gathered up his gown, and sped to the headmaster. It was during the interval that day that Stone and Robinson, discussing the subject of cricket over a bun and ginger-beer at the school shop, came to a momentous decision, to wit, that they were fed up with Adair administration and meant to strike.

"It was dark, sir, and I couldn't see not to say properly; but if you ask me my frank and private opinion I should say couple of 'undred." "H'm Well, I will look into the matter at once. They shall be punished." "Yes, sir." "Ye-e-s H'm Yes Most severely." "Yes, sir." "Yes Thank you, constable. Good-night." "Good-night, sir." The headmaster of Wrykyn was not a motorist.

Nobody must take a boat up-stream. The school boatman would have strict orders to see that this rule was rigidly enforced. Any breach of these bounds would, he concluded, be punished with the utmost severity. The headmaster of Wrykyn was not a hasty man. He thought before he put his foot down. But when he did, he put it down heavily. Sheen heard the ultimatum with dismay.

"Nine," said Philip. "You must say sir," said his uncle. "I expect you've got a good lot to learn," the headmaster bellowed cheerily. To give the boy confidence he began to tickle him with rough fingers. Philip, feeling shy and uncomfortable, squirmed under his touch. "I've put him in the small dormitory for the present.... You'll like that, won't you?" he added to Philip.

"My good man, you don't surely imagine I am so devoid of good feeling and have such a hazy conception of the higher life as not to inform the Headmaster. I have just returned from breaking the news to him. He took it quite well on the whole. It was a touching scene. I nearly wept." Betteridge then arose, and gave an imitation of a Rogers' sermon.

He listened with more enjoyment as the headmaster, having stopped to turn down the wick of the reading-lamp which stood on the table at his side, and which had begun, appropriately enough, to smoke, resumed his discourse. "Mr Dexter " Of course, thought Trevor. If there ever was a row in the school, Dexter was bound to be at the bottom of it. "Mr Dexter has just been in to see me.

Menzies was swamped by a Day's man. He might just as well have stayed away altogether. The star of Seymour's was very low on the horizon. And then the house scored its one success. The headmaster announced it in the Hall after prayers in his dry, unemotional way. "I have received the list of marks," he said, "from the examiners for the Gotford Scholarship." He paused.

He was unused to compliments, and no one had ever told him he was clever. The headmaster put his hand on Philip's shoulder.

He had few companions of his own age, and though he was 'not unhappy' and was never subjected to corporal punishment, he felt more awe than affection for his father. His mother, to whom he was strongly attached, died on 6th January 1759. Bentham was thus a strangely precocious, and a morbidly sensitive child, when it was decided in 1755 to send him to Westminster. The headmaster, Dr.

The postbag, that evening it came late contained a letter for me, which, however, in the hand of my employer, I found to be composed but of a few words enclosing another, addressed to himself, with a seal still unbroken. "This, I recognize, is from the headmaster, and the headmaster's an awful bore. Read him, please; deal with him; but mind you don't report. Not a word. I'm off!"