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I filled my bag with Hanover pieces, which I thought might come in handy on the Spanish Turf, and packed up three or four yellow, red, green, and blue opera hats, so useful to the adventurous bookmaker. At this very moment the postman arrived and gave me a letter in a woman's hand. I thrust it in my breast pocket recklessly. The cab rattled away. At last we were off.

The doctor had brought a splint which he put on by light of an electric torch and the man was taken to the station and sent off at once to the hospital. Now, all this happened within a mile of home where help was handy.

They are for a plumber who will know how to reach the trouble without doing other damage. Many are the expedients that life in the country and friendly chats with your own handy man can teach you. Some of them you will discover for yourself, for necessity, the mother of invention and country living, often presents minor emergencies that the house owner must meet and conquer for himself.

In February, 1865, with the fall of Fort Fisher and the capture of Wilmington, the control of the coast of the Confederacy became complete. The ports of the British West Indies were very handy, and, particularly during the stormy months of the winter, it was hardly practicable to maintain an absolutely assured barrier of blockades along a line of coast aggregating about two thousand miles.

If you see a bill that is nothing but a large and powerful pair of forceps, good for any rough job, you may know without further inquiry that the owner is no limited specialist, but a "handy man," bold, enterprising, resourceful, and good all round. He will not starve in the desert.

"Oh, as to that," said Handy, "we none of us never wanted to do Mr Harding no harm; if he's going now, it's not along of us; and I don't see for what Mr Bunce speaks up agen us that way." "You've ruined yourselves, and you've ruined me too, and that's why," said Bunce. "Nonsense, Bunce," said Mr Harding; "there's nobody ruined at all.

You see my friend, Ben Edwards here, is kinda figgerin' on college some day after a while, an' a little loose change wouldn't hurt none. It might come in right handy fer all the extry things boys wants, like fancy clothes an' flat-faced bulldogs. I guess Ben wouldn't want one o' them, though, after he's owned a dog like Baldy. But he could use a thousand in lots o' ways easy my money an' yourn."

Ed and Bill had arrived now and all hands went to work at once skinning the bear. "Speakin' o' bein' chased by bears," remarked Ed as they worked, "onct I were chased pretty hard myself an' that time I come handy t' bein' done for sure enough." "An' how were that?" asked Bob. "'Twere one winter an' I were tendin' my trail.

For when we were courting I was fain to tell him all, not to join him under any false pretenses, miss, which might give him grounds against me." "Yes, yes, it is all vere goot and true so goot and true as can be." "And you might find him come very handy, my dear, to run of any kind of messages. He can do that very well, I assure you, miss better than any Englishman."

Thus it happened that Chapple, having finished an excellent breakfast one morning some twenty minutes after everybody else, was informed as he sat in the junior day-room trying, with the help of an illustrated article in a boys' paper, to construct a handy model steam-engine out of a reel of cotton and an old note-book for his was in many ways a giant brain that Mr.