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I think the farm probably feeds him, and that the whole of his wages, except a trifle for the priest, go to the support of his family. That is, to the feeding of his family; for they live in a mud hut, hand-made, and, doubtless, rent-free, and they wear no clothes; at least, nothing more than a rag. And not much of a rag at that, in the case of the males.

"I want everything to be hand-made," exclaimed Zoie enthusiastically. "We can make a great many of the things ourselves, evenings," said Aggie, "while we sit here and talk to Jimmy." "I thought we were going OUT evenings!" objected Zoie. Jimmy rolled his eyes toward her like a dumb beast of burden. "MOST evenings," assented Aggie.

The next year it was sold to Hutchinson, Kohl & Co., and later was sold to a firm that ran it to Puget Sound, and from Alaska to San Francisco. It was built of Alaska cedar timber, the dushnoi dereva or scented wood of the Russians, and was spiked with hand-made copper spikes.

The expressionless expressions of the women, their hand-made faces, their smart shoes, the way they wore their hair, the way they wore their clothes; the men's air of being well dressed, of having money to spend, of appearing importantly busy at any cost; a certain pretentiousness, as if everything were shown at once and there were no reserve of power, nothing held in disciplined abeyance, interested her profoundly.

At one side stood an old mine shaft, perhaps fifty feet deep, with an ancient hand-made windlass still at the top. Then just to one side and entering the mountain was a great log door, put together with bolts. The lock was a strong powder-house lock, made of heavy brass. The place gave no appearance of having seen a man in many years.

A peasant child at a churn, switching her black braids this way and that when they dangled too far over her shoulders; a linnet dead in its cage outside a thatched doorway, and the taste of her first heart tears; a hand-made crib in a dark corner and hardly ever empty of a little new-comer. Then gaps, except here and there a faded bit.

Excavations at Solutre have yielded several fragments of yellow, hand-made pottery very insufficiently baked; and other pieces have been found in the peat-bogs of Bastide de Bearn with the bones of reindeer, and worked flints similar to those found in Quaternary deposits.

If the table is made of the beautiful taffeta, now so popular for this purpose, as well as for curtains, it is, of course, not covered with swiss or lace, except the top, on which is used a fine, hand-made cover, of real lace and hand embroidery, in soft creams, cream from age, or a judicious bath in weak tea. The glass top laid over this cover protects the lace.

There is, of course, a delight in exquisite typography, and hand-made paper, and binding into which the soul of a true artist has gone.

"That valley" she indicated the tropical plain between the hills, wherein floating dredges were at work "will be an inland sea. Those forests will be under water." "Where is the Gatun dam I've heard so much about?" She pointed out a low, broad ridge or hog-back linking the hills together. "That is it. It doesn't look much like a dam, does it? But it is all hand-made.