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Often one passes through a gate, suddenly, from one to the other; after the cheerful disordered beauty of the old town, Europe's ugly cleanliness and Sunday-go-to-meeting decency make a strange complex impression, half-love and half-hate. In the European town one finds safety, spaciousness and hygiene; in the Chinese town, romance, overcrowding and disease.

'Maman said I had a half-sister, and she was naughty. Dites donc, would a whole sister be twice as big as you? Thus in his baby language, which may be easier imagined than described, gravely questioned the boy. 'I am your sister, dearest, heart and soul. There is no such thing as half-love or half-sisterhood between us.

In the rushing confluence of love, truth, and indignation, to atone for years of half-love, half-indifference, as the past now appeared to her, she would have spoiled him terribly, heaping on him caresses and assurances that he was far the less guilty and the more injured of the two; but Leopold's strength was exhausted, and he fell back in a faint.

We were very congenial. She might have cared if if I had cared more greatly." "Henry Callandar! Are you a cad?" "No. Merely a man speaking the exact truth. I thought I might risk it, with you. Lorna Sinnet is not a woman to give her love and take a half-love in return. She was more clear-sighted than you or I. We should both have been very miserable." Elliott Willits sighed.

Too many things have become plain to me in the last half-hour to make that possible. I could never learn to accept or sympathize with your point of view. There can be no half-love with me, Selma. It is my nature to be frank, and as you are fond of saying, that is the American way. I am your husband still, and while I live you shall have my money and my protection.

Did the grave chancellor, then some one, who in his way, also, is very grave, may ask did he, by constant fondness, spoil his child? No. It is the fondness which is not constant that spoils. It is the half-love of weak and irritable natures, who are themselves children amongst their children, who can themselves be petulant, selfish, and capricious it is this that mars a temper.

Thornton saw her beautiful eyes lifted to her father, full of light, half-laughter and half-love, as this bit of pantomime went on between the two, unobserved, as they fancied, by any.

In a nature like hers, so doubting and self-distrustful, confidence, once shaken to the roots, could never be restored. A proud nature that went all lengths in love could never be content with a half-love. She had been born too doubting, proud, and jealous, yet made to love too utterly.

In the rushing confluence of love, truth, and indignation, to atone for years of half-love, half-indifference, as the past now appeared to her, she would have spoiled him terribly, heaping on him caresses and assurances that he was far the less guilty and the more injured of the two; but Leopold's strength was exhausted, and he fell back in a faint.

Last night, a man an employee in Mr. Rushleigh's factory had been kept awake by one of his children, taken suddenly ill. A slight matter but it has to do with our story. Last night, also, Faith Paul's second letter just received had lain sleepless for hours, fighting the old battle over, darkly, of doubt, pity, half-love, and indecision.