United States or Greece ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The following three weeks passed uneventfully in carrying out the first part of the programme upon which Sir Timothy and I had agreed, including a very careful but fruitless search of the entire group of the Grenadines, between Grenada and Saint Vincent.

On taking my leave of him, I asked him how he could go a third time in such a barbarous employ. He said he had been distressed. In his voyage in the Alexander he had made nothing; for he had been so ill-used, that he had solicited his discharge in Grenada, where, being paid in currency, he had but little to receive.

"And after thee I'll go, Revenging still, and following e'en to th' other world my blow, And, shoving back this earth on which I sit, I'll mount and scatter all the gods I hit." In the "Conquest of Grenada" , we have: "This little loss in our vast body shews So small, that half have never heard the news; Fame's out of breath e'er she can fly so far To tell 'em all that you have e'er made war."

The Sierra de Santa Marta being nearly in the meridian of the Cordilleras of Peru and New Grenada, the snowy summits descried by navigators in passing the mouth of the Rio Magdalena are commonly mistaken for the northern extremity of the Andes.

He had returned to Santa Lucia on the 1st, and there had heard of the loss of St. Vincent, with a rumor that the French had gone against Grenada. He consequently had put to sea on the 3d, with the force mentioned. The British approach was reported to d'Estaing during the night of July 5th.

From that period the royal family of Grenada was divided into two branches, which were ever after at enmity with each other; the one, called the Alhamar, included the descendants of the first king through the males of the line, and the other, named Farady, was that of such of his offspring as were the children of the female branches of the royal race.

Abbeville and Oxford were taken, and the Rebels established themselves at Grenada, a hundred miles south of Memphis. From Corinth I accompanied the division commanded by General Stanley. I had known this officer in Missouri, in the first year of the war, when he claimed to be very "conservative" in his views.

The people of Grenada were happy under the rule of the good King Joseph III. So far was he from avenging himself upon those who had aided his brother in depriving him of his rights, that he lavished favours and offices on them, and educated the son of Mohammed in the same manner as his own children.

I admit that the United States will contain above eighty millions of inhabitants a hundred years hence, allowing a progressive change in the period of doubling from twenty-five to thirty-five and forty years; but, notwithstanding the elements of prosperity to be found in equinoctial America, I doubt whether the increase of the population in Venezuela, Spanish Guiana, New Grenada and Mexico can be in general so rapid as in the United States.

"Her rage was love, and its tempestuous flame, Like lightning, showed the heaven from whence it came." The following simile from the "Conquest of Grenada" is as well expressed as it is apt in conception: "I scarcely understand my own intent; But, silk-worm like, so long within have wrought, That I am lost in my own web of thought."