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The valley beneath us was littered with enormous boulders spilt from the ancient hollows of the hills. It must have been a great sight when the giants set them trundling down in work or play! I said this to Vanna, who was looking down upon it with meditative eyes. She roused herself. "Yes, this really is Giant-Land up here everything is so huge.

Often would she suggest the game and even the theme; in such case, casting herself invariably for what, in old theatrical parlance, would have been termed the heavy lead, the dragons and the wicked uncles, the fussy necromancers and the uninvited fairies. As authoress of a new cookery book for use in giant-land, my aunt, I am sure, would have been successful.

After various adventures, they entered upon Giant-land; wandered over plains, wild uncultivated places, among stones and trees. At nightfall they noticed a house; and as the door, which indeed formed one whole side of the house, was open, they entered. It was a simple habitation; one large hall, altogether empty. They stayed there. Suddenly in the dead of the night loud noises alarmed them.

Truly this was as if he had been asked to clothe himself with a great house, since the smallest fold in them would have been to him as a cavern. But he stepped in, and as he did this he rose to great size; he filled out the garments till they fitted; he was a giant, of Giant-Land. With the clothes came the wisdom, the m'teoulin, the manitou power of the greatest and wisest of the olden time.

"My dear little friends," said he, "it's all over. I never shall see my poor wife again never again never again I am the last of the Huggermuggers. She is gone. And as for me I care not now whither I go. I can never stay here not here it will be too lonely. Let me go and bury my poor wife, and then farewell to giant-land! I will go with you, if you will take me!" They were all much grieved.

Thor embodied more Teutonic attributes than Odin. The feats which Thor performed in that strange city of Utgard, as they are related in the old "Prose Edda," were prophetic of the future achievements of the race, of which he was a chief god. Thor once went on a journey to Jötunheim, or Giant-land, a primitive outlying country, full of the enemies of the Asgard dynasty, or cosmical deities.

We can show you a great deal that you haven't seen. If you went to America with us, you would be the greatest man there." Huggermugger laughed, but not one of his hearty laughs his mind was ill at ease about his wife. But the idea was a new one, of going away from giant-land to a country of pygmies. Could he ever go? Not certainly without his wife and she would never leave the island.