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What's th' use o' a gospel wi'out law? No more use nor a chip i' porritch. Dun yo' remember that sarmon yo' once preached fro' "Jacob have I luved, but Esau have I hated"? It wur a grand un, and Owd Harry o' th' Brig went straight aat o' th' chapel to th' George and Dragon and geet drunk, 'cose, as he said, he mud as well ged drunk if he wor baan to be damned, as be damned for naught.

"Berm-dumplin'," was as satisfying as anything that she could get, and it would "stick to their ribs" better than "ony mak o' swill;" besides, the children liked it. Speaking of her husband, she said, "He were eawt o' wark a good while; but he geet a shop at last, at Blackrod, abeawt four mile off Wigan.

"What arto doin' up here, Malachi?" hoo sez. "I've nobbud come up to see thi faither abaat some flaars," aw stuttered. "He'll noan be up for an hour or two yet," hoo said. "He's gone to Rehoboth. Is it a flaar as aw con get for thee?" "Yi!" aw sez, "yo' con get me th' flaar aw want." "Which is it?" said hoo. "Is it one o' those lilies mi faither geet fro' th' hall?"

He say no word, but dat beega man he musta watch, for desa gang-men dey busta de stand, and dey tella Beppo to geet out or dey busta heem. Beppo he tell me I can hava de stand eef I pay him some eacha week. I take it and now I am afraid de busta me!" Bobbie laid a comforting hand upon the man's heaving shoulder. "There, don't you worry. Don't tell anyone else you're his cousin, and I won't either.