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"For Gawdsake let's go see somethin' alive!" He looked at her a bit helplessly. Plainly, this young person's education wasn't to be tackled off-hand! Agreeably to her wishes he took her to a certain famous shop filled at that hour with fashionable women wonderfully groomed and gowned. Here, seated at a small table, lingering over her ice-cream, Nancy was all observant eyes and ears.

When Bud was through and handed Jerry the bottle to keep for him, Jerry held him for an instant by the hand. "Say, for Gawdsake don't talk like that promiscuous, Bud," he begged. "You might hit too close " "Ay, Jerry! Ever hear that old Armenian proverb, 'He who tells the truth should have one foot in the stirrup'? I learned that in school."

Who with, for Gawdsake? One feller means just as much to me as another feller: they're all alike," said she, contemptuously. "I just asked about him for for references. You know what you're gettin', an' I got a right to know what I'm gettin'." "You have: so please remember that you are getting a considerable portion of the Champneys money for doing what you're told to do," said he.

He looked at his watch, saw that it was five forty-five, and inquired about a telephone. "Yes, of course; out here." Pierre took him back to the parlor, where he dialed the Inn and inquired if a Mr. Ritter, from New Belfast, were registered there yet. He was. A moment later he was speaking to Ritter. "Jeff, for Gawdsake, don't come here," Ritter advised.

"I'm scared o' bein' cut up!" she whispered fearfully. "Oh, for Gawdsake, save me from bein' cut up!" Her eyes widened; in her thin breast you could see her laboring heart thumping. "I want you keep 'em from cuttin' me up!" she repeated feverishly. "Cutting you up!" Vandervelde looked at her wonderingly. "Yes. I heard 'em say I didn't have no chanst.