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Colonel Garland's brigade also arrived at the suburbs, and, by the assistance of some of our troops that had reached house-tops from which they could fire into a little battery covering the approaches to the lower end of the city, the battery was speedily captured and its guns were turned upon another work of the enemy.

If they retained aspirations they concealed the fact. Their husbands and children entirely occupied their minds. Returning to the street, I introduced myself to Uncle Billy Fraser and Osmund Button and other Sun Prairie neighbors and when it became known that "Dick Garland's boy" was in town, many friends gathered about to shake my hand and inquire concerning "Belle" and "Dick."

They were all gay as larks and their hearty clamor, so far removed from the quiet gravity of my grandmother Garland's house, pleased me. I had an immediate sense of being perfectly at home. There was an especial reason why this meeting should have been, as it was, a joyous hour. It was, in fact, a family reunion after the war. The dark days of sixty-five were over.

And Ellen, chilled by Courtrey's sneering face, the cold disapproval of Ben Garland's striking mallet, sank back in her chair and covered her face with her shaking hands.... She heard some more awful things then the voice of Dick Burtree beginning soft, low, silver like running waters.

This made the approach to the city from the south very difficult. The brigade to which I was attached Garland's, of Worth's division was sent to confront San Antonio, two or three miles from St. Augustin Tlalpam, on the road to Churubusco and the City of Mexico.

He was ingeniously fed by esophageal tubes and rectal enemata; in three weeks speech and deglutition were restored. Shortly afterward the esophageal tube was removed and recovery was virtually complete. Little mentions an extraordinary case of a woman of thirty-six who was discharged from Garland's asylum, where she had been an inmate for three months.

On the 18th of August, the day of reaching San Augustin Tlalpam, Garland's brigade secured a position within easy range of the advanced intrenchments of San Antonio, but where his troops were protected by an artificial embankment that had been thrown up for some other purpose than defense.

Miss Garland's taste, it seemed, lay in the direction of hospital nursing, or some other occupation beneficial to mankind at large. Simple and demure, she filled the simpler Mr. Mott with a strong sense of the shortcomings of his unworthy sex. Within two days, under the darkling glance of Mrs. Pett, she had altered the arrangements of the house.

Patsy had spread Jean Garland's scarlet sash to its broadest, and so had been able to let down her skirt of blue linen till it came to almost her ankles, above which the yellow cross-gartering of the sandals was diamonded in the Greek fashion her Uncle Julian had taught her.

Only in the very deepest cuts a little water still lurked. Stair Garland's lips tightened as he turned to the interior of the Bothy. "It is all up, Mr. Julian," he said, "I am sorry I have led you into this I knew the thing could be done, but they had been so long in thinking of it that I had come to believe they would never hit on it at all!"