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The Contessa and her satellites should have gone on to Chamounix next day, but Gaet

And as for the Canongate, this Saxon gaet or way of the Holy rood canons, it still sheltered in 1753 'two dukes, sixteen earls, two dowager countesses, seven lords, seven lords of session, thirteen baronets, four commanders of the forces in Scotland, and five eminent men, fine game indeed for Mally Lee!

I had been to Aix-les-Bains years before, but it had not then occurred to me to visit Annecy, so near by. It was the Boy who had suggested coming, and we had planned excursions up the lake, looking out on our guide-book maps various spots of historic or picturesque interest which we should see en route, especially Menthon, the birthplace of St. Bernard. Now, here we were at Annecy, and in all the world there could not be a town more charming. By the placid blue lake whose water, I am convinced, would still be the colour of melted turquoises if you corked it up in a bottle you could wander along shadowed paths, strewn with the gold coin of sunshine, through a park of dells as bosky-green as the fair forest of Arden. In the quaint, old-fashioned streets of the town you were tempted to pause at every other step for one more snap-shot. You longed to linger on the bridge and call up a passing panorama of historic pageants. All these things the Boy and I would have done, and enjoyed peacefully, had we been alone, but Gaet

We saw only that the man and the boy were talking, spasmodically at first, then continuously. "I do hope they're not quarrelling," said Gaet

"Ten minutes, at most, Monsieur." I could have shaken the concierge's hand for this good news, for there was hope of catching them up. I was in dinner jacket and pumps, but I did not wait to make a dash upstairs for hat or coat. I borrowed the blue, gold-handed cap of the concierge, not caring two pence for my comical appearance, which would have sent Gaet

I had thought that he would be back in time for coffee, but he did not appear, and the curiosity of Gaet

The Baron and his wife disputed volubly about the date of one of Paolo's grand dinners in Paris; Gaet

All this passed in a glance, but the frigid atmosphere grew no warmer for the introduction hastily effected by Gaet


We lunched at the Col de Forclaz, where the hill, tired of going up, ran down to another valley. There was a godlike assemblage of mountains, white and blue, mountains as far as the eye could reach, and I had a thought or two which I would have liked to exchange for some of the Boy's. But if he had ever really had any thoughts, save for the fun of the moment, he had the air of forgetting them all for Gaet