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Hortense was inclined to let them lie conspicuously on the front-hall table, for half an hour or so, before she took them up. Little might be absolutely known about her passage with Cope; but there the letters lay, for her aunt's eye and for Carolyn Thorpe's. Carolyn prattled a little, not indiscreetly, about her meeting with the Freeford family on the campus.

At Birdie's invitation Nance went with her to the rooming-house around the corner, where you had to ring a bell to get in, a convention which in itself spelt elegance, and up one flight, two flights, three flights of carpeted steps to a front-hall bedroom on the fourth floor. "Gee, it's a mess!" said Birdie, tossing some beribboned lingerie from a chair into an open trunk.

Then he passed thoughtfully down-stairs, only to come upon Helen who was just extinguishing the front-hall light. "Good night!" he said, in passing. "Good night, Mr. Sweetwater." There was something in her tone which made him stop and look back. She had stepped into the library and was blowing out the lamp there. He paused a moment and sighed softly.

And it seemed to Rudolph Musgrave, now in the full flow of this droll dream, that Patricia resentfully noted her front-hall had been "meddled with." This much alone might Patricia observe in a swift transit to the parlor.

Accordingly I left all these inquisitive people unsatisfied, and busied myself solely with my fallen antagonist. Quitting him at last in a state of quiescence, I knocked over a person who had been attacking me in the rear, and then blundered into a passage, which I suppose to have been the front-hall, just as a light glimmered up in the rooms behind me.

"Tired! No, indeed. Horseback riding never tired me. You will take me again to-morrow night?" "I think it is you that takes me, Brownie. Is Marr there?" "Yes; quoting poetry like everything. I heard him out of the front-hall window; something about 'a rosy cloud, I believe." "Are they sitting directly under the hall window?" asked Hugh. "Yes; in two arm-chairs, side by side."

Hortense's contempt for the semi- rustic and impecunious Cope became boundless. About the middle of July a letter lay on the front-hall table for Carolyn. It was from Cope. "Only think!" said Carolyn to herself, in a small private ecstasy within her locked bedchamber; "he wrote on his own account and of his own accord. Not a line from me; not a suggestion!"

Inexpressibly frightened as he was, he determined to take his candle and go down to Mr Abney's study, for the hour appointed for their meeting was near at hand. The study or library opened out of the front-hall on one side, and Stephen, urged on by his terrors, did not take long in getting there. To effect an entrance was not so easy.

Remember the magnificent oval guard-room, running into a vestibule at either end; the egg-chamber slung in the centre and isolated on every side by half a score of pillars; the front-hall expanding into a wide mouth and surmounted by a network of taut threads forming a trap. The semi-transparency of the walls allows us to see the Spider engaged in her household affairs.