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Madame Gauthier, a clear-starcher of position, to whom Monsieur Fromagin thus addressed himself, was less broadly positive.

The use of the cat's claws on such a covering, and, also, her hair being very abundant " "Very abundant!" interjected Madame Vic; and added: "She, she is of a richness to buy wigs by the scores!" "It was his custom, I say," continued Monsieur Fromagin with insistence, "to steady himself after his leap by using lightly his claws.

Being sequent to the settlement of Monsieur Fromagin's monthly bill always a matter of nettling dispute it naturally tended to develop its own asperities. "They say," observed Monsieur Fromagin, "that the cat it was among his many tricks had the habitude to jump on Madame Jolicoeur's head when, for that purpose, she covered it with a night-cap.

On such actions, on such a woman, Monsieur, the saints in heaven look down with an agonized scorn!" "Only those of the saints, Madame," said Monsieur Fromagin, warmly taking up the cudgels for his best customer, "as in the matter of second marriages, prior to their arrival in heaven, have had regrettable experiences.

"That this worthy lady reasonably may desire again to wed," declared Monsieur Fromagin, actual proprietor of the Épicerie Russe an establishment liberally patronized by Madame Jolicoeur "is as true as that when she goes to make her choosings between these estimable gentlemen she cannot make a choice that is wrong."

An adequate reply to her discharge of such a volley of home truths would have been difficult to frame. In the Vic bakery, between Madame Vic and Monsieur Fromagin, a discussion was in hand akin to that carried on between Monsieur Brisson and Madame Jouval but marked with a somewhat nearer approach to accuracy in detail.

Speaking with less dignity, but with conviction as Monsieur Fromagin left the bakery she added: "Monsieur, effectively, is a camel! I bestow upon him my disdain!" Most of our animals, also many creeping things, such as our "wilde wormes in woods," common toads, natter-jacks, newts, and lizards, and stranger still, many insects, have been tamed and kept as pets.

"It is of the professional duty of advocates," replied Monsieur Fromagin, sententiously, "to defend their clients; on the successful discharge of that duty irrespective of minor details depends their fame. Madame neglects the fact that Monsieur Peloux, by his masterly conduct of the case that she specifies, won for himself from his legal colleagues an immense applause."

If M'sieu' will have the amiability to await her in the salon, it will be for but a point of time!" Between this maid-servant and Monsieur Peloux no love was lost. Instinctively he was aware of, and resented, her views practically identical with those expressed by Madame Gauthier to Monsieur Fromagin touching his deserts as compared with the deserts of the Major Gontard.

Therefore, to the avoidance of that too radical conclusion, Madame Jolicoeur engaged in her debatings briskly: offering to herself, in effect, the balanced arguments advanced by Monsieur Fromagin in favour equally of Monsieur Peloux and of the Major Gontard; taking as her own, with moderating exceptions and emendations, the views of Madame Gauthier as to the meagreness and pallid baldness of the one and the sturdiness and gallant bearing of the other; considering, from the standpoint of her own personal knowledge in the premises, the Notary's disposition toward a secretive reticence that bordered upon severity, in contrast with the cordially frank and debonair temperament of the Major; and, at the back of all, keeping well in mind the fundamental truths that opportunity ever is evanescent and that time ever is on the wing.