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So that’s how Lulu and Bawly were in a magical show, and they told all their friends about it and everyone was so surprised that they said: “Oh! Oh! Oh!” more than forty-’leven times. And next, if our new kitten, whose name is Peter, doesn’t fall into a basket of soap bubbles and wet his tail so he can’t go to the moving picture show, I’ll tell you about Bully No-Tail and Kittie Kat.

One day, as Bully No-Tail, the frog boy, was coming home from school he thought of a very hard word he had had to spell in class that afternoon. It began with a “C,” and the next letter was “A” and the next one was “T”—CATand what do you think? Why Bully said it spelledKitten,” and just for that he had to write the word on his slate forty-’leven times, so he’d remember it next day.

Oh, are you able to be about?” asked Bully’s mamma. “Yes,” replied Jollie’s mamma. “I am much better, thank you. I am so glad you brought me a custard pie. But now sit right down by the window, where you can smell the flowers in the garden, and I’ll make tea.” Well in a little while, about forty-’leven seconds, Mrs. Longtail had the tea made, and she and Mrs.

No-Tail paid her for some of the chocolate, and then Nellie took off her hat, and put on an apron, and she helped make the cake. Oh, it was a most delicious one! with about forty-’leven layers, and chocolate between each one, and then on top! Oh, it just makes me hungry even to typewrite about it!

“I tell you what it is!” cried Bawly, after he had tried forty-’leven times to dive down after the corn, “what I need is something like an ash sieve. Then I could scoop up the corn and water, and the water would run out, and leave the corn there.” “But you haven’t any sieve,” said Arabella, “and so you can never get the corn, and we won’t have any supper, and—— Oh, dear! Boo-hoo! Hoo-boo!”

If you please,” asked Bawly, when he had watched the rabbit carpenter put in about forty-’leven nails, “who is this house for?” “It is for Sammie and Susie Littletail,” answered Uncle Wiggily. “They are going to have rabbit play-parties in it, and I hope you and Bully will come sometimes.” “We’ll be glad to,” spoke Bawly. Then Uncle Wiggily drove in another nail, and the house was almost done.