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So whether I'm fishing early or late, I usually work without a mate, Since I can't visit and watch my game; For fishing's my business, and Fisher's my name.

For M. Paul de Roustache was not a police-spy, and, moreover, had never seen the gallant Captain in his life, and took no interest in him a state of things most unlikely to occur to the Captain's mind. Had Paul, then, fished for fishing's sake?

If the fishing's going to the dogs and the farming going to the deuce, don't be tossing head over tip at the tail of the tourist. If you've got the pumping engine inside of you, in plain English, if you've got the indomable character of the rael Manxman, do as I done go foreign. Then watch your opportunity. What's Shake-spar saying?" Pete paused. "What's that he's saying, now?"

"I suppose the the person in question will stay as long as you do?" he asked, rather nervously. "It looks like it," said Tish grimly. "I've no intention of being driven away, if that's what you mean. We'll stay as long as the fishing's good." He groaned under his breath. "The whole d d river is full of fish," he said.

Turning to the older men, some of whom had already begun to feel their joints stiffening with rheumatism, she said: "Fishing's a hard game, boys, for the best of us. And it doesn't get any easier as we get older. There's a lot of you who will have to go into dry-dock before long and get patched up. And there's some that can't afford to lay up. You've been working with your hands too long.

"Of course he did, and he still does, and because he is still only twenty years ahead of his time he's all the more dangerous." "Let's get back to this payroll," blurted Stoughton who was getting more and more uncomfortable. "Fishing's pretty good up there, let him fish for it." The voice of Birch was like ice.

And this listens good. Aren't you about due for a vacation? Why don't you take a run up here? I'd enjoy a chin-fest. The fishing's good, too and we are long on rather striking scenery. Do come up for a week, when you can get off. Meantime, by-by. Tommy Thompson laid down the letter and stared out over the roof-tops. He couldn't afford to be a philanthropist.

I am going to marry my old friend whom I have met here after twenty years. The wedding will take place next Wednesday morn "What!" "Read on," groaned Mrs. Bloodgood. "He says the fishing's excellent." "I should say so! And that's what he's caught! Leah Bloodgood, what did you ever let him go away for without a body-guard?

Mind your lady and the poor bairns like a godly handmaiden, and I'll buy the ring when the sawmon fishing's over, and we'll just be married ere I start for the Crimee" "The sawmon!" cried Clara. "I'll see you turned into a mermaid first, and married to a sawmon!" "And ye won't do anything o' the kind," said Bowie to himself, and shouldered a valise.

Even the fading light could not kill his rufous face. The big man appeared friendly, though Brendon heartily wished him away. "Sea fishing's my sport," he said. "Conger and cod, pollack and mackerel half a boat load that's sport. That means tight lines and a thirst afterward." "I expect it does." "But this bally place seems to bewitch people," continued the big man. "What is it about Dartmoor?