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Osbaldistone," said he, "contracted for the service of both your horse and you twa brutes at ance ye unconscionable rascal! but I'se look weel after you during this journey." "It will be nonsense fining me," said Andrew, doughtily, "that hasna a grey groat to pay a fine wi' it's ill taking the breeks aff a Hielandman."

When men impose fetters upon other men, condemning, imprisoning, fining, scourging, burning, and anathematizing them, merely because they dare to think for themselves in matters which can only concern God and their own souls, and will not have their faith decreed by arbitrary power and exasperated ignorance, it need not excite surprise, that they should assume the right of behaving to the weaker sex with all the capriciousness of despotism; and no authority but that of Scripture, which maintains the privileges of all thinking beings, can effectually restrain the wickedness of man's UNMANLY usurpation.

I could see that he was stiff with pride, though he wouldn't show it. 'What d'you think of that bunch? he asked. 'First-rate stuff, I said. 'The men are all right, he drawled critically. 'But some of the officer-boys are a bit puffy. They want fining down. 'They'll get it soon enough, honest fellows. You don't keep your weight long in this war.

Sir A. de Rutzen was not satisfied with ordering the books to be burnt and fining the bookseller; he went on to justify his condemnation and praise the police: "It is perfectly clear to my mind that a more foul and filthy black spot has not been found in London for a long time, and the police have done uncommonly well in bringing the matter to light.

Congress shall have no power to alter the time, place or manner of elections, nor any authority over elections, otherwise than by fining such state as shall neglect to send its representatives or senators, a sum not exceeding the expense of supporting its representatives or senators one year.

There are many cases, however, even of first offenders, in which fining is quite useless. =Imprisonment.= So much has been written describing the various prison systems in vogue in different parts of the world that it is unnecessary to do much more than briefly outline them here. . The congregate system. In which the prisoners are associated together by day or by night or by both.

In the writer's experience, the fining system, if justly and properly applied, is more effective and much to be preferred to either of the others. He has applied this system of discipline in various works with uniform success over a long period of years, and so far as he knows, none of those who have tried it under his directions have abandoned it.

In consequence of this the administration of the laws imposing fines, and the equally indefinite and politically important right of fining in general, were vested mainly in them.

It was comfortably settled that there was to be only one form of religion, and that all men were to think exactly alike. But, although this was arranged two centuries and a half ago, and although the arrangement was supported by much fining and imprisonment, I do not find that it is quite successful, even yet.

It was denounced against shooters of wild fowl, and against those, of either religious party, who broke the Proclamation of October 1561. Yet "nobody seemed one penny the worse" as regards their lives, though the punishments of fining and banishing were, on occasions, enforced against Catholics.