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Do you know what those benighted heathens drink now?" Watson grinned. "Make mine whisky, Jerry. You've no complaints. Our benighted heathens have a national beverage fermented from a plant similar to cactus. Ought to be drummed out of the human race." He spoke idly, forgetful of the Tulan guards stationed at the doorway.

If a company corrupt it, I forswear all fermented liquor, and go to the grave on mere element 'honest water which ne'er left man in the mire. But I hope better things I hops better things." "And what do you think of Martin?" asked the journalist, as he and Lashmar walked to the nearest place where a vehicle could be obtained for the drive to Rivenoak. "A fine old cynic!" answered Dyce.

Consequently, fermented wine is an utterly unclean fluid, and it fills man, when he drinks it, with all manner of uncleanness, mentally and physically, from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, as we well know. It is preeminently a leavened substance, for it is never purified by heat, as is leavened bread.

Polluted water, no doubt, contributed to the prevalent sickness in the summer months, whereas the fermented and distilled waters disposed of impurities before they were ready for consumption and, thus, assured to imbibers a degree of safety from germ-bred diseases.

It is the rich sap which should have gone to the forming of coconuts, which is intercepted by cutting off the point of the fruit stalk and tying on an earthen pot. If the pot is clean, the juice, when it is taken down in the morning, not fermented yet but just beginning to sparkle with minute bubbles, not too sweet and not so oily as the milk of the coconut, is nectar to a hot and thirsty soul.

He did it with a double vengeance: he made the detractors come to his knees and he made a fortune out of them them alone. For Bayreuth never became a profitable investment for Jewish money until the one great Christian drama of modern times was produced there. Parsifal, in one form or another, had long fermented in Wagner's brain.

The must runs off through grooves to the lower side, where it is let off by a spout. It may be large enough to contain a hundred bushels of grapes at a single pressing, for a great deal depends upon the ability of the vintner to press a large amount just at the proper time, when the must has fermented on the husks just as long as he desires it to do.

One particular day, after many foolish notions had fermented for some time in Malaga's mind, Paz having laid his money as usual on the mantel-piece, she seized the bits of gold and flung them in his face, crying out, "I don't want stolen money!" The captain gave the gold to Chapuzot, went away without a word, and did not return. Clementine was at this time at her uncle's place in Burgundy.

A knowledge of the process of fermentation, therefore, was in all probability possessed by the prehistoric populations of the globe; and it must have become a matter of great interest even to primaeval wine-bibbers to study the methods by which fermented liquids could be surely manufactured.

The prospect of good accommodation cheered us much. We supped well; and after supper, Dr Johnson, whom I had not seen taste any fermented liquor during all our travels, called for a gill of whisky. 'Come, said he, 'let me know what it is that makes a Scotchman happy! He drank it all but a drop, which I begged leave to pour into my glass, that I might say we had drunk whisky together.