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"Then," said Ralph, "I won't have any money left to pay my fare back home." "Oh, I'll see to that!" exclaimed Joe. "I invited you to ride up with me, didn't I? and of course I'll pay your fare; das verstekt sich; that goes without saying. "I'll never desert you, oh, never! he spake, We'll stand by each other, asleep or awake."

"I suppose your guardian arranged about that. Didn't he tell you?" "I have no guardian." "Well, you'll have to ask Capt. Barnes about that. I know nothing, except that you are a passenger, and that your fare has been paid." "My fare paid to San Francisco?" asked Dodger, more and more at sea, both mentally and physically. "Yes; we don't take any deadheads on the Columbia."

Yet those who left him did not in the end fare better, for they were ambushed and cut off, when they had gone down to Natchez, apparently by Indians. At first the hunters, with their small-bore rifles, were unsuccessful in killing buffalo.

"Sometimes it did not fare so well with Nanahboozhoo. There were times when his cleverness seemed to forsake him, and he got into trouble' that at other times he would easily have avoided. For example, one day in the summer time as he was hurrying along he became very thirsty. Soon, however, he came to a river which has many trees on its banks.

"Don't you know better than to get onto a train without a ticket or money to pay your fare?" "Yes; but they'll hang Terrence, they'll hang 'im, they'll hang 'im," and she moaned and rocked herself. Patsy went on through the train and when he came back the woman was still rocking and staring blankly at the floor, as he had found her before.

I knew that I should get a wetting by doing so, for the weather still continued very bad, but I don't care much for a wetting provided I have a good roof, a good fire, and good fare to betake myself to afterwards. So I set out. As I passed over the bridge of the Mynach River I looked down over the eastern balustrade. The Bridge of the Evil One, which is just below it, was quite invisible.

Discouraged at these trifling vexations, which seemed to cross his path at every step, Felix found his way to the ferry, but, as the shepherd had said, the boatman refused to carry him, being a stranger. No persuasion could move him; nor the offer of a small silver coin, worth about ten times his fare. "I must then swim across," said Felix, preparing to take off his clothes.

A GOOD many of Grandfather Mole's neighbors sneered at him, and said he was queer. Mr. Blackbird was one of these scoffers. Though he was a lazy scamp, he always managed to look sleek and well fed. And he liked the same fare that Grandfather Mole did. "You're a goose to work so hard for your food," Mr.

And such, alas! was the fare in those caserns." What could have been the matter with the man to write such stuff as this! One other instance of the reckless way in which he writes about Norman Cross.

I kindled my fire, and, after sitting by it for some time to warm my frame, I took some of the coarse food which I have already mentioned; notwithstanding my late struggle, and the coarseness of the fare, I ate with appetite.