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I'm going mad! What a long time you've been!" "That's true, I am a little late, but it hasn't been very easy." Now that Fandor's mind was set at rest about his deliverance, he grew curious to know the results of the detective's investigation. "Well, you were successful?" "Yes, quite successful." "Do they know in Glotzbourg?" "They must have some suspicion by now." "When did you get back?"

There was a touch of the convent parlour about it. The man who had opened to him asked: "What name shall I give to the gentlemen, Monsieur?" "Tell them it is Corporal Vinson." Fandor's heart was beating like a sledge hammer as the minutes dragged by: it was an eternity of waiting! A flock of suspicions crowded his mind: might he not have fallen into a trap?

Vinson leaped backwards, just as the agent was putting his key in the lock, and rushed towards Fandor's study. He locked the door at the precise moment the agent entered the flat. "Halt!" cried he: Vinson's movements had been heard. The corporal's answer was to double-lock the door. "What you are doing there is childish!" cried the agent. "I have master-keys! Give yourself up!"

He is Fantômas!... Curse it! He has slipped through my hands, thrice fool that I am! Never again will he appear as this beggarly accordion player never will he dare to show himself in that make-up!... What new form will he take?... Fantômas! Fantômas! Once again you have escaped me!" Our detective remained in Fandor's flat all night. He awaited the journalist's return. Fandor did not come.

The journalist searched through his pockets to find something he might give her as compensation, and then clasped her to his heart as the only thing possible to do under the circumstances. At this moment a servant entered and gravely announced: "Sire, Wulfenmimenglaschk is here." Had the sun or the moon or the King himself been announced Fandor's amazement would not have been greater.

They were piercing eyes, full of life and intelligence, not the fierce furtive eyes of Vagualame, for this Vagualame was Juve! The day following the famous evening he had passed in Fandor's flat, Juve, as we know, had discovered that Vagualame, agent of the Second Bureau, was cleverly disguised, and was none other than Fantômas!

Fandor walked to the door, explaining: "I have a horror of sleeping in an hotel bedroom with an unlocked door!... You will allow me to turn the key?" "Turn it, then!" Locking the door, Fandor drew the key and threw it on to the priest's lap. "There, Monsieur l'Abbé, if you like to put it on your bedside table!" Fandor's action had a purpose.