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One thing may be confidently affirmed of this man, that he stands as a notable exemplar, in the highest grade, of the American of this century, the natural development of the self-reliant English stock upon our continent.

A physics of human behaviour becomes possible with the aid of these concepts of endocrine regulation of intravisceral pressure, and intervisceral equilibrium, an intramuscular pressure and an intermuscular equilibrium, with the brain as the shifting fulcrum of the system. The sensation of hunger, as we have seen, serves as good an exemplar as any of this mechanism of the wish.

Out of the lane followed by the van branched a yet smaller lane, at the corner of which the barber alighted, Mrs. Dollery's van going on to the larger village, whose superiority to the despised smaller one as an exemplar of the world's movements was not particularly apparent in its means of approach.

It may be some eloquent appreciations read in a book, or some preference expressed by a gifted friend, that may have revealed unsuspected beauties in art or nature; and then, since our own perception was vicarious and obviously inferior in volume to that which our mentor possessed, we shall take his judgments for our criterion, since they were the source and exemplar of all our own.

She was thus presented to them as a bright exemplar of the doctrines which she taught. Both she and her husband gained a wide influence among the Indians of the region, many of whom they were afterwards and during the Revolutionary contest, able to win over to the patriot cause. The honor of having inaugurated Sunday schools on the frontier, must be awarded to woman.

I have enumerated the woeful trials with which the Faith, its Herald, its Founder, and its Exemplar, have been afflicted, and exposed the tragic failure of the generality of mankind and its leaders to protest against these tribulations, and to acknowledge the claims advanced by those Who bore them.

"Oh, no; you wanted enough of Him to be saved by, enough to die by; but when it comes to living by him well, you know perfectly well that you don't." "Awful!" again groaned the deacon. "When I heard of that wretched convict taking his Saviour as an exemplar of daily life and conduct, it seemed ridiculous. If better men couldn't do it, how could he?

Small wonder, then, that the love of salt herring always with corn bread became ingrained in so many Old Virginians! They had an illustrious exemplar. Once, in 1782, when George Washington was due to visit Robert Howe the honored host wrote to a friend: "General Washington dines with me tomorrow. He is exceedingly fond of salt fish."

If she could know that each pupil is striving to copy her in every detail of her life, her habits of speech, her bodily movements, her tone of voice, her dress, her walk, and even her manner of thinking, this knowledge would appall her, and she would shrink from the responsibility of becoming the exemplar of the child.

Respicere exemplar vitae morumque jubebo Doctum unitatorem, et veras hinc ducere voces. HOR. Ars Poet. ver. 317. Those are the likest copies, which are drawn From the original of human life.