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Don Tarquinio looked on with a surprised interest that evanesced into elaborate unconsciousness when he was appealed to by Egbert to come and drink up some of the spilt matter. Don Tarquinio was prepared to play many roles in life, but a vacuum carpet-cleaner was not one of them. "Don't you think we're being rather foolish?" said Egbert cheerfully. If Lady Anne thought so she didn't say so.

But that person was no longer at my side. He had quietly withdrawn himself, in the interval; he had evanesced, "moved on." An oracular and elusive citizen. ... Small wonder, for these eastern regions were in touch with Constantinople from early days, and the spirit of Byzance still hovers over them.

"There's no such blessed hurry," he remarked at last, when the first excitement had evanesced. "The light will be too bad for work by the time we reach Bar Harbor. Let's rest here in this dark nook, and talk it all over." Clayton was always abnormally eager to talk over anything. Much of his artistic energy had trickled away in elusive snatches of talk.

Richard Kenton evanesced into the interior so obviously that Bittridge could not offer to come in. "Well, I shall see you all when you come back in the fall, judge, and I hope you'll have a pleasant voyage and a good time in Europe." "Thank you," said Kenton, briefly. "Remember me to the ladies!" and Bittridge took off his hat with his left hand, while he offered the judge his right.

Her blood was heated by close air and physical contact. She did not think, and her emotions differed little from those of any shop-girl let loose. The 'culture, to which she laid claim, evanesced in this atmosphere of exhalations. Could she have seen her face, its look of vulgar abandonment would have horrified her.

Nevertheless, in spite of such indications of humanity, he has ever since existed in my mind as the beatific vision of an immortal druggist, sent down to earth on a special mission to myself. The reader may choose to think of him as possibly no more than a sublunary druggist; it may be so, but my faith is better I believe him to have evanesced, or evaporated.

Their finer perfume, as almost always happens with good sayings which do not certain the full pith of a proverb, but owe their force, in part at least, to the personality of their author, and to the happy moment of their production, has evanesced.

It was the next Sunday morning that Miss Wollaston, who had decided to stay in town even though the emergency she had been summoned to meet was found mysteriously to have evanesced when she arrived, asked Wallace Hood, walking home with her from church, to come in to lunch.