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The Duchess received her daughter with her usual delighted air, as if the ethereal-looking young lady in India muslin had verily been a goddess. "I hope you have not been fatiguing yourself in the orchid-houses on such an afternoon as this, my pet," she said anxiously. "No, indeed, mamma; it is much too warm for the orchid-houses.

Lady Sophy Browne, an ethereal-looking woman, with a consciously wan smile and a grey chiffon frock, that looked as if it would have had to be unpinned and unwound, rather than taken off, when bed-time came, put her elbows on the table and clasped her hands under her chin. "Do you know Rodin's Portrait d'un Inconnu?" she asked Joyselle. "No, madame." "But you know Rodin?" "I have met him."

Senter had nothing to amuse or occupy her except your humble servant consequently she suggested a stroll in the garden before bedtime. She was almost beautiful in the moonlight, quite ethereal-looking, and her hair a nimbus for that small white face of hers; just as small, just as white, and just as smooth as when those big eyes used to look up into our eyes under an Indian moon.

Stillwood, when a blase man about town, verging on forty, had first seen her, then a fair-haired, ethereal-looking child, in spite of her dirt, playing in the gutter. To his lasting self-reproach it was young Gadley himself, accompanying his employer home from Westminster, who had drawn Mr.

At six o'clock in the evening we went to the church close at hand a very gaudy place, hung all over with festoons and bright draperies, and filled, from the altar to the main door, with women, all seated. They wear no bonnets here, simply a long white veil the 'mezzero; and it was the most gauzy, ethereal-looking audience I ever saw.

She was a pretty thing, transparently frail and ethereal-looking, who had always projected herself passionately into the lives of those about her her father's and mother's the young husband's who had died soon after her son was born and now her boy's.

Endless stretches of ethereal-looking structure, reaching higher and higher, in masses like mountain ranges, in peaks, in towers and domes. And millions of lights, like fairy lamps, like resplendent jewels, gave the city a glory beyond that of the stars thronging the heavens on a clear summer night.

So Eileen was interested in the coming of Major Evelyn! And she had made so good a tea that any one less ethereal-looking than Eileen might have been considered greedy! She had left very little of the abundant tea to be removed. "We'll have a turning-out one of these days," she said. "I noticed your wardrobe was very full the other day when I was in your-room.