United States or Papua New Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He would often lament that it was for want of considering this properly, and of applying it skilfully to civil matters, as well as to speculative truths, that so many things in this world were out of joint; that the political arch was giving way; and that the very foundations of our excellent constitution in church and state, were so sapped as estimators had reported.

No fleet of ships can be put beyond all danger of submarine attack, but the danger to the subs can be made so great that it won't be worth the price the attacking force will pay. I do not know how many U-boats were in that attack. The official figures will no doubt be given out in time. Our moderate estimators here put it down as three, with one transport ramming and sinking one U-boat.

Whenever necessary and practicable, the captain assembles the range estimators, points out the target to them, and adopts the mean of their estimates. The range estimators then take their customary posts. VOLLEY FIRING has limited application. In defense it may be used in the early stages of the action if the enemy presents a large, compact target.

It must be five to ten thousand feet per acre less than I thought it would run. I guess the Big Chief at Harrisburg will think I'm a pretty poor timber cruiser." "How's that?" asked Charley. "Well, you remember the day I first met you in the forest, Charley, I was cruising with two good timber estimators. They're skilled men. We were making the estimate on which this sale was based.

The minute sub-divisions of land in Ireland the little connection which the Protestant clergyman commonly has with the Catholic population of his parish have made the introduction of tithe proctors very general, sometimes as the agent of the clergyman, sometimes as the lessee or middleman between the clergyman and the cultivator of the land, but, in either case, practised, dexterous estimators of tithe.

But if the critics, the estimators of social standing, had seen her and her associates on this fine October afternoon, they would have moved her down several rungs on the social ladder. She was in close conference with a midget, an ex-circus man, out of work and advertised widely to give a talk at the warehouse Saturday night!

Except in a deliberately prepared defensive position, the most accurate and only practicable method of determining the range will generally be to take the mean of several estimates. Five or six officers or men, selected from the most accurate estimators in the company, are designated as RANGE ESTIMATORS and are specially trained in estimating distances.

But competent estimators or at any rate shrewd guessers think that Germany's facilities for constructing airplanes equal those of France and England together. If then all three nations build to the very limit of their abilities there will be a tie, which the contribution of aircraft from the United States will settle overwhelmingly in favour of the Allies.