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She went on much like the firm young lady enumerators who take the census: "By the way let me ask: Have you any regular business or occupation?" "Not, I suppose, in the sense in which you mean the interrogation." "Perhaps you have friends in the city, who " "Friends! Here! Good Lord no!" said he, with exasperated vehemence. "I gather," was surprised from her, "that you do not wish "

The ground of this assertion was that in the houses of some of the wealthier classes there are many females, who live, in native phrase, behind the curtain, who are never seen by outsiders, to whom the officials of the Government have no access; and on this account the accuracy of the return made to the enumerators entirely depends on the faithfulness of the head of the household.

An explanation appearing in the corresponding volume of the census report for 1910 shows the great difficulties that enumerators and statisticians experience in getting at exact facts, wherever the situation is both complex and confused. The census officials admit their inability to do so in the present instance, although they have revised the figures with extreme care.

Taking States in their alphabetical order, the census of 1880 gives the number of working-women for each as follows: The difficulties encountered by the enumerators of the United States Census, and the growing conviction that much more minute and organized effort must be given if the real status of women workers was to be obtained, had already been matter of grave discussion.

Nor is the "First Census of the United States" any criterion in this regard, for the obvious reason that the enumerators made no returns of unmarried persons. This fact is important when we consider that the Irish exodus of the eighteenth century was largely comprised of the youth of the country.

Paul would have held a thanksgiving service, and invited the Minneapolis enumerators to the feast, Kansas City and St.

Some of the federal supervisors had been extremely energetic so much so that in one case in Louisiana their registration lists showed 8,000 more colored voters in 1876 than were discovered by the census enumerators four years later. If the Republicans saw involved in the laws both a principle and a party weapon, the Democrats saw both a principle and an opportunity.

You take seventy-five to a hundred absolutely green hands, who have never done anything like it before, and it is a hard proposition to make them understand. When you have to try and teach them in a few weeks just how to do what is really difficult to do well, you have a heavy task on your hands." "You didn't appoint any colored enumerators, I suppose?" Hamilton questioned.

Then let the final act of our enumerators and directors be to distribute a hundred twenty-kopek pieces to those who have no food; and this will be not a little, not so much because the hungry will have food, but because the directors and enumerators will conduct themselves in a humane manner towards a hundred poor people.

The supervisors and enumerators should not be appointed under the civil service law, for the reasons given by the Director. I commend to the Congress the careful consideration of the admirable report of the Director of the Census, and I trust that his recommendations will be adopted and immediate action thereon taken.