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Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, the diverse diarists to whom we owe so much of our intimate knowledge of their time, were both frequently here, and both have left us characteristic passages about it; Evelyn enlarging upon the art treasures and the gardens, Pepys noting that "it was pretty to see the young, pretty ladies".

How can it be expected that the clergyman, whose pulpit is a forty-two-pounder, should convert sinners to a faith that enjoins them to turn the right cheek when the left is smitten? I How is it to be expected that a clergyman, thus provided for, should prove efficacious in enlarging upon the criminality of Judas, who, for thirty pieces of silver, betrayed his Master?

Lydgate was ambitious above all to contribute towards enlarging the scientific, rational basis of his profession.

I kept enlarging my table at the Kursaal, with these requests, until the management said they could go no farther. I placed Mark Twain alongside Lady Cork, one of the most brilliant women in England. In the course of years of acquaintance I had met Mark Twain under many conditions. He was very uncertain in a social gathering.

It has, for instance, been seriously debated, whether an epic should not contain a catalogue of heroes. Other things, which epics have been required to contain, besides much that is not worth mentioning, are a descent into hell and some supernatural machinery. Both of these are obviously devices for enlarging the scope of the action.

He was the able and unscrupulous minister of an absolute monarch, bent on sweeping away abuses of all kinds, but with the idea of enlarging the royal authority as much, perhaps, as promoting the prosperity of the realm. He therefore turned his attention to the ecclesiastical courts, which from the time of Becket had been antagonistic to royal encroachments.

This does not mean an education directed toward enlarging the spirit of philanthropy; it means mainly organization to serve common purposes. These social problems are very numerous. They are both national and local.

And, as the force which encourages us to stand staunch and fast by the rule and ground we have is Hebraism, so the force which encourages us to go back upon this rule, and to try the very ground on which we appear to stand, is Hellenism a term for giving our consciousness free play, and enlarging its range." The Liberal Party was just then busy disestablishing and disendowing the Irish Church.

"... Why was England lost to the Church? Because Henry was a villain? because the Tudor bishops were slaves and poltroons? Does Leadham, or any other rational man really think so?" The little black man nodded. He did not think it worth while to speak. But Friedland went on enlarging, with his hand on his Molly's head looking into her quiet eyes.

At night we were literally surrounded by them; some smouldering, like the shale-heaps at a colliery, others fitfully bursting forth, whilst others again stalked along with a steadily increasing and enlarging flame, shooting out great tongues of fire, which spared nothing as they advanced with irresistible might.