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So she got it, and I recovered my SAVOIR FAIR, and stopped shaking. I suppose Jane expected to go along, but I refrained from asking her. She then said: "Try to remember everything he says, Bab. I am just crazy about it." Ah, dear Dairy, how can I write how I felt when being led to him. The entire seen is engraved on my Soul.

Engraved on the thick end of the egg, and partly erased by wear, was a dog's head, which I knew to be the crest of the Perrots. "So," I said, preparing to return it to him, "you are a clockmaker?" "Yes, your excellency," he muttered. And I thought that I caught the sound of a sigh of relief. I gave the watch to Maignan to hand to him. "Very well," I said. "I have need of one.

On the plate he engraved the true name of God, or the tetragrammaton, and placing it on a cubical stone, known thereafter as the Stone of Foundation, he deposited the whole within the lowest arch.

A skinny hand with filthy fingernails crept forth and thrust itself into the pockets of the limp waistcoat, crumpled so pitifully upon the thin, young figure, and presently a gold watch was drawn forth. The watch was slowly waved before the Bishop's eyes, and the case snapped open, so that he could read the name engraved within.

Such an absurd little ring, with its one big sapphire set with diamonds, and "no backing to it," Miles said. And he gave her a very heavy brass-studded collar for William, and on the plate was engraved her name and address. "You see," he explained, "Miss Ross would never really have him, and I'd like to think he was your dog. And here's his licence."

The invention of the poor sacristan would have covered the surface of the earth with plates engraved or sculptured in relief, but would not have been a substitute for a single case of movable type.

And then her eyes fell upon the thick envelope with its worn edges and open flap which lay unheeded upon the desk-top. Mechanically she reached for it, and her hand came in contact with its thick, heavily engraved contents. She raised the papers to the light and stared; there were five in all, neatly folded, lying one upon another.

June 1718. And he has allowed that Mademoiselle Rosalba "ce bel esprit" who can discourse upon the arts like a master, to paint his portrait: has painted hers in return! She holds a lapful of white roses with her two hands. Rosa Alba himself has inscribed it! It will be engraved, to circulate and perpetuate it the better.

Give me your hand, Nigel." She had taken a little bangle of gold filigree work from her arm and fastened it upon his sunburnt wrist, reading aloud to him the engraved motto in old French: "Fais ce que dois, adviegne que pourra c'est commande au chevalier."

"That I purchased and had engraved, and perhaps what would you have done had you seen my name?" "Come straight to you at once." "And you are content?"