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As they fled in alarm, and were clambering hastily down a steep descent, a mass of rock was disengaged from the verge of an overhanging precipice, and came near crushing them all. Looking back, in their flight, they saw a wild figure, which the attendant recognised at once as that of Eiulo's uncle, stooping at the edge of the cliff, in the act of loosening another large stone.

"Surely," said Morton, "they can have no sufficient motive for murdering us in cold blood. But, fresh from another conflict with them, we could not perhaps look for forbearance, if in their power. Against us they cannot now, it seems to me, cherish any feelings so vindictive as you imply." "And suppose it to be so? Suppose that they merely aim at Eiulo's life, without wishing to molest us?"

There was an immediate answer to Eiulo's cry, in one of the deepest and most powerful voices I had ever heard, and which seemed to come from the west shore of the stream. Looking in that direction I saw, and recognised at once, the lion-like old man, who had fled along the beach, pursued by Atollo and his party. Several men, apparently his followers, stood around him.

Morton now seized the sticks again, and imitating Eiulo's method of proceeding, succeeded in kindling them, though it took him a considerable time to do it: thus it was satisfactorily established, by actual experiment, that we could obtain a fire whenever we should want one.

Through two generations he had been the most devoted and valued friend of the family of his chief; and upon his wisdom, sagacity, and prowess, Eiulo's father and grandfather had relied in many an emergency, and seldom in vain.

"It would appear then," said Browne, "that they are not such utter heathens after all; I should never have given them credit for so much taste and sensibility." "You see, Browne," said Max, "what advantages you will enjoy over the rest of us, when we get to Eiulo's island, as Johnny is confident we are destined to do, one of these days.

"And little Eiulo's dread of this strange uncle of his," said Browne, "is then so great, that he preferred running away to us again, to remaining with his own people?" "Incredible as it may seem," answered Arthur, "I am convinced that his fears are not without foundation, and I even believe that this man intended to take his life, and would have done so, had we not escaped."

There was a pause of some minutes, during which the two parties stood confronting each other, with hostile, but hesitating looks. Wakatta then addressed a few words to Atollo, in the course of which he several times repeated Eiulo's name, pointing towards him at the same time, and appearing to demand that he should be released.

He now bounded across the stream, towards the spot where Eiulo was still struggling with his captor, and calling loudly for help. Atollo instantly sprang to the ground, and flew to the spot; then, with a shrill call, he summoned his men about him. Eiulo's outcry, and the answer which had been made to it, seemed to have produced a startling effect upon Atollo and his party.

The victors promptly carried the war into the neighbouring islands, both of which were completely subdued, and afterwards remained under the sway of Eiulo's grandfather until his death, when the present chief succeeded.