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Dunke, there'd be a right smart shrinkage in the census returns." Dunke's eye gleamed with anger. "We're not here to listen to any smart guys, sir. Will you give up Struve to us or will you not?" "That's easy. I will not." The mob leader turned to the Tennessean.

I don't have to stand for your talk even if I do have to take care of you. Light your candle and move along this tunnel lively." Something in Dunke's eye quelled the rebellion the other contemplated. He shuffled along, whining as he went that he would never have looked for his old pal to treat him so.

Dunke's party left for the mine on schedule time, Water-proof coats and high lace-boots had been borrowed for the ladies as a protection against the moisture they were sure to meet in the tunnels one thousand feet below the ground. The mine-owner had had the hoisting-engine started for the occasion, and the cage took them down as swiftly and as smoothly as a metropolitan elevator.

That's because you probably married a heaven-sent man. We can't all be fortunate." "We none of us need to marry where we don't love." "Goodness me! I'm not thinking of marrying Mr. Dunke's millions. The only thing is that I don't have a Croesus to exhibit every day at my chariot wheels. It's horrid of course, but I have a natural feminine reluctance to surrendering him all at once.

If a man was to get loose he couldn't reach the surface without taking somebody into partner-ship with him. There ain't but three ways to daylight; one by the shaft we came down, another by way of our shaft-house, and the third by Dunke's, assuming he could break through into the Mal Pais. He'd better not break loose and go to wandering around.

The girl in the blackness without the candle-shine moved slightly. "What's that?" asked Dunke, startled. "What's what?" "That noise. Some one moved." Dunke's revolver came swiftly from his pocket. "I reckon it must a-been the girl." "What girl? Miss Kinney?" Dunke's hard eyes fastened on the other like steel augers. Margaret came forward and took wraithlike shape. "I want you to take me to Mrs.