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"Well, it's hard work all right," the captain admitted, "though now that the water is in, and we can use scows and dredges, instead of railroad cars, we can get rid of the dirt easier. You boys should have been here when the cut was being dug, before the water was let in." "I wish we had been," Blake said. "We could have gotten some dandy pictures." "That's what you could," went on the captain.

Lawrence, that same tilting stopped the overflow down into the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico at the other end of the lakes. But so slight was the tilting that the water still sweeps over, in places, when the lakes are high, and sometimes even carries light boats across. Of late engineers have, in effect, been undoing with levels and scoops and dredges what nature did in a mighty upheaval.

"Rot!" called out a short, fat man wearing a huge diamond ring and an excessively dirty white waistcoat. This was the Minister for Dredges and Artesian Bores, a gentleman who hoped to receive a C.M.G. ship for his clamorous persistency in advocating the claim of the colony to "'ave a Royel dook as its next Governor." "Shut up!" said an honourable member beside him. "Rauparaha doesn't talk rot.

The weight of the dredge keeps it at the bottom, and but little skill is required in working it. A good-sized boat can work two dredges at one time, one from each quarter. Oyster-beds are often valuable property, and they are rented by various companies. Rules have been made for the preservation of oysters, and to allow of new beds being formed.

Curious-looking steam dredges were also at work, with wheels ever revolving, ladling up the mud from the bottom of the river an endless task, for fresh mud is constantly being washed down from the upper parts of the stream. Clouds of smoke and increasing signs of activity showed us that we were approaching Glasgow.

The first week we were in operation we kept wondering why we had to travel farther every day to get to the dredges. Then we realized that solid ground on Venus isn't solid ground at all. It's just big chunks of denser stuff that floats on top of the mud like dumplings in a stew. But that was nothing compared to the other things "

Beneath the icy skin he discovered its promise. "There'll be two booms one for pulp wood and the other for hard wood for the veneer mills. You make hard wood float by driving plugs of lighter wood into both ends of the log. And now, if you'll step down this way, I'll show you where the dredges will start work." "Look here," said Riggs in a quavering voice, "what's the matter with my cheek?

"She's the Gaston de Paree, a yot seen her in T'lon harbour and seen her again at Suez, she's a thousand tonner, y'can't mistake them funnels nor the width of them, she's a twenty knotter and the chap that owns her is a king or somethin'; last time I saw her she was off to the China seas, they say she's all cluttered up with dredges and dipsy gear, and she mostly spends her time takin' soundin's and scrabblin' up shell fish and such that's his way of amusin' himself."

This trouble was settled satisfactorily to all parties and in July the total excavation advanced materially and in August the grand total from all points in the canal prism by steam shovels and dredges exceeded all previous United States records, reaching 1,274,404 cubic yards. In September this record was eclipsed and a total of 1,517,412 cubic yards was removed.

Kielland caught Sparks by the shoulder, shouting to be heard above the racket. "The transport did you get it?" "I I think so." "They're sending us a ferry?" "It should be on its way." Simpson sloshed up, his face heavy with dismay. "The dredges! They've cut loose the dredges." "Bother the dredges. Get your men collected and into the shelters. We'll have a ship here any minute."