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Updated: January 1, 2025
The difficulty, however, was in practice settled by a compromise, and the dispute itself had long been forgotten by all but the learned, until within the present generation its arguments were once more dragged out publicly to serve a political purpose.
Ruth fell off and dragged Sunny Boy with her and the sled went on down the hill alone. Nelson had seen the spill at the bottom of the hill and he came running up to them. "Are you hurt, Ruth?" he asked his sister. "Did another sled hit you? There's Jimmie Butterworth with your sled, Sunny Boy." Ruth was not hurt, and neither was Sunny Boy.
Bagley's big chair, which she dragged out of its corner for him, "will be very much obliged to you when she knows. Yes, I am only a child," he continued, after a moment; "but I never thought I was so little till I got far away from home. Will you tell me, please, where I am now?" Mrs.
Presently he heard a movement above and then it seemed to him that something of considerable weight was being dragged across the floor. This was followed in a moment by a slight groan, and then a shadowy figure leaped from the open side door and started away in the darkness. Now Sandy had been warned to hang onto the third boy like grim death if he caught sight of him.
He struggled fiercely to free himself, but was dragged down to the floor and pinioned. Before he was lifted up his hands were tied behind him. Unobserved, the front door of the barroom had opened. An ice-coated figure was standing on the threshold. Houck laughed harshly. "Come right in, Tolliver. You'll be in time to take a hand in the show."
"You'll come now, you wretched old miser," exclaimed Philip, seizing hold of the little man by the collar, and pulling him out of his door. "Murder! murder!" cried Poots, as he lost his legs, and was dragged along by the impetuous young man. Philip stopped, for he perceived that Poots was black in the face.
Be a good child," pleaded her mother, on whose cheek a bright colour was flickering. "My darling would not make mamma ill, and baby sister too?" "Nurse, try me this once. I will be so quiet." But nurse was not to be entreated; and the reluctant child was half led, half dragged from the room, screaming and resisting.
By now she had pieced it all together; and it seemed to Ellesborough that it had a morbid fascination for her. "He dragged himself down this very path," she said. "They tracked him by the blood stains; his wounds dripped all along it. And then he fell, just under my cart-shed. It was a horrible, bitter night.
'Wait! we'll see about that! She sprang forward, and with a prompt exertion of muscle, admirable in its way, whirled Bob round and dragged him to the head of the kitchen flight. The young fellow took it in good part, and went down with her. 'You go up into the passage, said Clem to her servant, and was immediately obeyed.
Shorter hours meant more men for the mines, and they would have to be imported. But labor resented the importation of foreign workers. Again, what was the answer? Still, he was grateful for peace. The strike dragged on, with only occasional acts of violence.
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