United States or Gambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When the down-train from Suspension Bridge left Utica for Albany that afternoon, the detected and beaten gambler in reputations, lives and matrimonial ventures, was a passenger.

"No; it went down half an hour ago." An inaudible question followed. "Next down-train at eleven." There was now a faintly audible lament or appeal. "Guess you'll have to come earlier next time. Most folks doos that wants to take it."

He was thinking what had best be done in any and every contingency. Was he still abroad, or had he arrived? was he in Shive's Court, or, cursed luck! had he crossed him yesterday by the down-train, and was he by this time closeted with Larkin in the Lodge?

He was just in time to catch the one down-train that ran on Sunday evening, which would land him in Rudham in time for evening service not that Tom meant to go to church that night. He would walk outside and wait for Dixon and for Rose. Many a time the two men had escorted Rose back to the Court, one on either side. This would be the last.

'Yes, yes, I know that. I merely meant that it seemed rather odd. 'O yes. Manston read on: " and slipped out of the house. The rubbish-heap was burning up brightly, but the thought that the house was in danger did not strike me; I did not consider that it might be thatched. "I idled in the lane behind the wood till the last down-train had come in, not being in a mood to face strangers.

"In that case I will take my leave of you here, Miss Middleton." She gave him her hand. "Why is Mrs. Mountstuart at the station to-day?" "I suppose she has driven to meet one of the guests for her dinner-party. Professor Crooklyn was promised to your father, and he may be coming by the down-train." "Go back to the Hall!" exclaimed Clara. "How can I? I have no more endurance left in me.

With his little bag in his hand, he went down stairs, thinking unpleasantly, I believe, and jumped into the Hansom that awaited him at the door, telling the man to go to the station. They had hardly turned the corner, however, when he popped his head forward and changed the direction. He looked at his watch. He had quite time to make his visit, and save the down-train after.

"Here, in the station in the waiting-room. He has been visiting in Warwickshire, and he lunched with my father en passant; he is going to Derby, and he's waiting for the down-train to take him on to the main line. You'll come and see him?" "Yes, I shall be very glad; I " Henry Dunbar stopped suddenly, with his hand upon his side.

The surprise, which had owed its origin to his imperfect acquaintance with the topographical features of that end of the estate, had been but momentary; the disturbance, a well-known one to dwellers by a railway, being caused by the 6.50 down-train passing along a shallow cutting in the midst of the wood immediately below where he stood, the driver having the fire-door of the engine open at the minute of going by.

It was dark when they reached the station, and Willis brought the trunks from the hotel, and found seats for the party in the cars, which were rapidly filling with passengers. Presently the down-train from Knoxville came thundering in, and the usual rush and bustle ensued. Mrs.